my little herd has grown since the last give-away. At the time of the give-away I had 2:
a Geo. Wostenholm & Sons IXL
a DD that is shave ready, but in bad shape (too loose, blade wobbles and in general need of restoration).
In the drawing I won a Genco (thanks Glen!), which hasn't arrived yet.
While waiting for the Genco, I have purchased 4 additional razors:
a Wapenica I purhcased from Bruno
a Challenge from ebay
a Shavette/book combo from Rum
a Gold Medal from GW.
In total, my herd stands at 7, all shave ready except for the Challenge, which I'm planning on sending out to a honemeister asap, for honing, and the Shavette (no blades).
updated 5-15-07 4:10 pm CST
The Genco from the give-away arrived in today's post, giving me 3 in current rotataion.
I've got 5 currently:
W H Sample & Sons 5/8, unknown vintage (from eBay)
Dovo 5/8
Dovo INOX 4/8
2 Wapienicas (still unsharpened)
It's strange -- the better my technique gets, the sharper they seem to be! :w
- Scott
I'll bring this back into balance a tad!
I have 4 which l will be reduced to three by the end of the week. They'll be
1 5/8 Timor - the work horse of the trio
1 6/8 Crown and Sword (I love the heavier blade but cannot get it to shaving comfort!)
1 4.5/8 (I know it's advertised as a 5/8 but it's nowhere near!) Wapienica - for honing practice so I can get the C&S up to scratch
My unbranded first effort is off to a mate who wants to give the straight a bash...
1 Maesto Livi Olive ATS34 7/8 ,2 Dovo Prima Klang 5/8 .These are all in daily use & i use whatever takes my fancy,also ive put my name on the list for a tosuke from Bruno.I am currently discussing having a wedge made by Alan Wood in RWL 34 steel
OK, OK! I will admit to over 300 but Traveller and the other major RAD cases have to respond!:)
! 300? 65 more and youll have a whole years set! i only have the one...it came today in the mail :)
THREE PAGES and not a single picture??? Guys...I've got two words for you...
I'm going broke. I have thirteen.
razor herd
I have over 750 razors. None in rotation because I am to busy cleaning them. I would take a picture of the whole herd, but I can't get them to all stand still in one place. They are all for sale. They are listed on my web site at www.eddings.advertisnet.com Don't look shocked at the prices, if you see something you like, make me an offer, I might take it?
You have to start some where and it is easier to come down on the price then it is to go up once you've priced it.:thinking:
5 Attachment(s)
All right here are some pictures for you. Now guess that razor!