Ok, I was wondering, how many razors are in your herd (whole herd, not just your rotation)? I know that Lynn's herd will throw off the average a bit , but I'm trying to see how bad my case of RAD is.
Please be honest:rolleyes: :w
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Ok, I was wondering, how many razors are in your herd (whole herd, not just your rotation)? I know that Lynn's herd will throw off the average a bit , but I'm trying to see how bad my case of RAD is.
Please be honest:rolleyes: :w
Here, I'll offset Lynn's herd:
Total 1 (I have another on the way but it's not in my possession yet)
:roflmao Good ol' Steve, can always count on you
By herd, do you mean all straights or just those that are shave ready?
I've got 14 shave ready razors right now;
3 more that will take no more than a good honing session to finish;
18 that need new scales and then honing;
8 that need minor sanding, polishing, then honing;
6 that need major sanding, new scales, and major honing;
and 6 that are little more than test cases...if I want to try something new, but don't want to risk a good (or potentially good) razor, I reach for one of these.
Oh yeah, 5 more in the mail...just snagged on e-bay.
Hey Ed, thanks for the reply.
I mean all straights.
Wow, I need to learn to hone, my herd is catching up to yours
26 in total.
20 shave ready
2 near shave ready
4 junkers.
I'm actually going to be thinning my herd in the next while, so if anyone's interested in a decent razor at a decent price ($40 - $50 range for shave ready razors - shipping included - less if they buy more than one - and much less for "project" razors) send me a PM.
Last count mine was over 50. and that was 3 months ago, so I probably have about 70 now!?
at least half are shave ready!!
~70 and half or so are shave-ready but I haven't tested all.
My personal opinion is that even 20 is too high. On the other hand, for me it's hard to trim so much as to reach this number! Small steps are necessary - first I'll try to reach 40, then 30... Will reconsider once I am there.
I have 13 razors. All of them are shave
ready and in my daily rotation.