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Thread: Seven Sins of Wet Shaving

  1. #1
    Senior Member str8tlkr's Avatar
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    Default Seven Sins of Wet Shaving

    The seven sins of wet shaving has been circulating on YouTube so I thought it might be fun for us to post ours on SRP.

    7 Sins

    1. Greed - What is your most expensive and least expensive shaving product?
    2. Wrath - What is that shaving product that you have a love/hate relationship with?
    3. Gluttony - What is your most delicious shaving product.
    4. Sloth - Something in your wet shaving den or routine that you tend to neglect.
    5. Pride - What is it that you are most proud of in your shaving den?
    6. Lust - What is it that you don't have but currently want really really bad?
    7. Envy - Name a person that you envy or admire very much.
    Lynn and aa1192 like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member str8tlkr's Avatar
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    Here are my 7 sins of wet shaving.

    1. Greed - What is your most expensive and least expensive shaving product?
    Hart Steel 7/8 Square point ~$300 / Pfaltzgraff Lather Bowl under $5

    2. Wrath - What is that shaving product that you have a love/hate relationship with?
    Clubman After Shave

    3. Gluttony - What is your most delicious shaving product.
    DR Harris Marlborough

    4. Sloth - Something in your wet shaving den or routine that you tend to neglect.
    I tend to skip straightening a DE blade in the razor. I usually end up paying for this with a few weepers.

    5. Pride - What is it that you are most proud of in your shaving den?
    Gillette Superspeed and Old Spice Mug inherited from my grandfather.

    6. Lust - What is it that you don't have but currently want really really bad?
    Neil Miller Cordovan Strop and a Suehiro Gokumyo 20k

    7. Envy - Name a person that you envy or admire very much.
    Right now my honing skills is what needs work so I would have to say I envy Lynn and gssixgun the most.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Lolita1x2's Avatar
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    My sins:

    1. Greed - Most expensive: Penhaligon shaving soap. Least expensive: my trusty styptic pencil
    2. Wrath - Avon Black Suede aftershave
    3. Gluttony - Ogallala Bay Rum aftershave. My mouth waters at the thought...
    4. Sloth - Drying my DE razor blades after a shave.
    5. Pride - The fact that I have a shave den at all, if that makes any sense at all.
    6. Lust - Fine Platinum aftershave
    7. Envy - Anyone with a Bayrum aftershave I have not tried. I'm coming for you...

    Nice thread.
    str8tlkr likes this.

  4. #4
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    Hmm, that's a new take on things

    1. Greed -
    Not sure aymore, but one of my Nakayama Maruka stones perhaps, cheapest are my styptic pencil at a dollar a piece

    2. Wrath -
    One of my Custom razors. It is truly challenging to dial in on the hones. Once there the shave is sublime

    3. Gluttony -
    No doubt, my Domenico Caraceni Shaving cream!

    4. Sloth -
    Keeping my hones in one place...

    5. Pride -
    Lots of the items really, but my very first EPBD perhaps.

    6. Lust -
    My next custom razor

    7. Envy -
    I met up with Bayamontate at a couple NY/NJ meetups.
    Seeing him hone in spite of his physical challenges was very humbling and inspiring!
    str8tlkr and RobinK like this.
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  5. #5
    Senior Member aa1192's Avatar
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    1. Greed;
    My Escher would be the most expensive and cheapest is a Wal-mart oversize coffee mug.

    2. Wrath;
    I have a love hate relationship with my Genco extra hollow spike. Man that baby can sing one minute and cut you bloody the next.

    3. Gluttony;
    Probably my Dove En Vogue...I already had a million razors when I decided to buy a really fancy blade.

    4. Sloth;
    I never strop after a shave, excluding a few strokes on the linen to dry/clean the blade

    5. Pride;
    I am most proud of my hone collection.

    6. Lust;
    I really want to purchase a second J-nat, since my first is a large Koppa....imagine all that extra real estate mmmmmmm

    7. Envy
    Mastro Livi or anyone that forges custom razors. It looks like so much fun and their end work is awesome! I have dreams of building a forge eventually.
    str8tlkr likes this.
    Razor rich, but money poor. I should have diversified into Eschers!

  6. #6
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Here's my take on this...

    1. Greed - What is your most expensive and least expensive shaving product?
    Wade and Butcher, 9/8 Spike point, Celebrated, For Barbers Use, would be my most expensive. Least expensive, pack of DE blades.

    2. Wrath - What is that shaving product that you have a love/hate relationship with?
    Hate Double Duck Goldedge razor.

    3. Gluttony - What is your most delicious shaving product.
    Trufitt and Hill Trafalgar

    4. Sloth - Something in your wet shaving den or routine that you tend to neglect.
    My DE's razors, they don't really get used that much.

    5. Pride - What is it that you are most proud of in your shaving den?
    All the old restored straight razors being actively used again.

    6. Lust - What is it that you don't have but currently want really really bad?
    Wade and Butcher Egyptian and Ottoman Royal Windsor straight razor.

    7. Envy - Name a person that you envy or admire very much.
    Valery of The Gentleman's Den - would love to have his artistic talents, both in restoring and honing.
    str8tlkr likes this.

  7. #7
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    1. Greed - What is your most expensive and least expensive shaving product?
    Hart 6/8 square point, least is styptic pen

    2. Wrath - What is that shaving product that you have a love/hate relationship with?
    DE razors

    3. Gluttony - What is your most delicious shaving product.
    AoS sandalwood

    4. Sloth - Something in your wet shaving den or routine that you tend to neglect.
    DE razors get no love

    5. Pride - What is it that you are most proud of in your shaving den?
    C-Mon "stainless"

    6. Lust - What is it that you don't have but currently want really really bad?
    Puma razor

    7. Envy - Name a person that you envy or admire very much.
    Glen for his honing abilities.
    Last edited by Redcane; 12-22-2014 at 03:04 AM.
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  8. #8
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Very nice reflection topic.

    7 Sins

    1. Greed - What is your most expensive and least expensive shaving product?
    -Robert Williams SRP LE, and de dorco blades.

    2. Wrath - What is that shaving product that you have a love/hate relationship with?
    -Barbasol Green. Love the menthol, hate the finicky lather water ratio.

    3. Gluttony - What is your most delicious shaving product.
    -TOB Sandalwood. Love the lather and scent.

    4. Sloth - Something in your wet shaving den or routine that you tend to neglect.
    -Mid shave stropping. In between stroppings rarely happen for me. Wet hands stay off clean leather.

    5. Pride - What is it that you are most proud of in your shaving den?
    -Kanoyama strop, still unknicked!

    6. Lust - What is it that you don't have but currently want really really bad?
    -A filarmonica bigger than 4/8ths. Been my second longest search and still eludes me despite numerous failed bid attempts.

    7. Envy - Name a person(s) that you envy or admire very much.
    -Maestro Livi, Glen, Lynn, Bruno, Val, Phil Sanchez, and all the other craftsmen who have inspired me to pursue this craft beyond a purely end user perspective.

    Merry Christmas all, and thanks for a gentlemanly forum if ever there was one.
    Last edited by MikeB52; 12-22-2014 at 02:52 PM.
    str8tlkr likes this.
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    Steven Wright

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