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  • 1 Post By rhensley
  • 2 Post By sharptonn

Thread: you never know

  1. #1
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Default you never know

    I've just tried out two different razors. One is a Tuckmar-Hammond-Welt RUF 42 it has more stamping on it but I'll stop there. It's German and hollow ground but a lot. I guess you would say it's Half hollow maybe. Then on the other side of my mug I used a Boker 6/8 King Kutter. very hollow ground. both are very Sharpe. The difference is the Tuckmar is heavier. And with the added weight it shaved smoother. Both were used at the approximate angle to the face. with my hands there's really no adjustments. I guess what I'm trying to say is usually I'm a heavy Sheffield person. now it looks like any heavy Sharpe blade will work. just goes to show you that you never Know. (A friend once told me he had many many favorite razors now I know what he ment)
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Tarkus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhensley View Post
    I guess what I'm trying to say is usually I'm a heavy Sheffield person. now it looks like any heavy Sharpe blade will work. just goes to show you that you never Know. (A friend once told me he had many many favorite razors now I know what he ment)
    Well sounds like your epiphany will result in a landslide of razor purchases.
    Pandora's box has been opened.

  3. #3
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    To be truthful it's been open for some time. I have a few small blades for trimming and these are good razors. but it seems that the heaver the blade is the more comfortable the shave is for me. last year I was trying to shave with 5/8 hollow ground razors that were perfectly honed I know this because they were honed by an expert. some one noted for there ability to hone. I was about to give up when he sent me a blade that was a lot heaver. So once I used it I started getting more of the same. I just wish we could go some place that had all kinds and sizes to choose from. some place you didn't have to rely on a photo. now wouldn't that be grand. I know there's a name for such a place but it escapes me at the moment. As far as a landslide of razors well I still buy them and use them then for whatever reason sell them. once in a while I put a special one in the safe. Thanks to all the folks here at the place I now have a new addiction.

  4. #4
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Hang on to all of them. Your preferences will change, if you are like most of us. I began with smaller hollows, shifted to smaller wedges, on to 'the bigger, the better' Sheffields, down to thin, wide blades. Nowadays, 13/16 hollows are favored.
    Might give an Engels wedge a go soon. Could be headed full circle! All have their qualities, IMO.
    Mix em up! That is what I enjoy!
    JimmyHAD and rhensley like this.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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