I'm just wondering how the orientation of hair growth affects shaving.
Obviously we all consider which direction the hair grows in when shaving, but how does the angle of the hair change how you shave.
I have areas on my face where the hair grows almost outwards, with just a slight tendency towards a particular 'grain' and these areas I have no problems at all getting BBS. However on my neck the hair grows very flat to my skin in a very strong grain, which make going against the grain very very difficult as they catch the razor edge and cause irritation. I can never get these areas smooth with a straight, I can with a DE or disposable blade straight but not without discomfort.
Is it possible that if the hair grows very flat then it is almost impossible to shave to perfection no matter how sharp the razor is?
Could this be a factor in different peoples perception on how sharp they like their razors to be? some people may manage a great shave with a razor that others simply cannot get to cut well.
Any thoughts?