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Thread: My FIRST Gold Dollar!!!

  1. #31
    < Banned User >
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    As I've already said, I don't feel it necessary to defend myself here on this Internet forum...
    Am I excited about shaving? Sure. Do I feel that I need to defend myself to people I don't even know, and will likely never meet? No way.
    Sure, I am excited about my newest acquisition and only wanted to spread what I thought it was good news; that there are after all, blades to be had on the cheap...
    Did I expect to find this kind of opposition here on the supposedly Gentlemens forum?
    No...I sure didn't...
    For now, I reserve judgment on this form until I get a better feel for its inhabitants...
    Until then, I'll stay along the sidelines and just let my eyes decide whether or not I need to spend anymore time here...
    SS502MC likes this.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to TerryDean For This Useful Post:

    meleii (02-06-2015)

  3. #32
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admvalentine View Post
    poor op his first, and his last post.... this is a gentlemans forum, not a bash the new guy forum....
    The problem is that the 'new guy' is having trouble stringing a consistent story that doesn't scream Troll.

    Here's what he is telling us about himself:
    - from age 20 to age 35 shaving with a straight razor because he's from a good family and frugal
    - avid honer of knives and razors with a big arsenal of hones and lot of skill how to use them well
    - at age 35 around 2009 switches to Mach III (introduced in 1998, battery version in 2001) at a time when Gillette is pushing hard with marketing and freebies their next product Fusion (introduced in 2006)
    - supposedly has more than one razor he can hone well from really poor edge in no time
    - he is frugal and subscribes to one razor will last forever, so he doesn't really need many razors, though he has a few and is very particular about honing them to his exact taste
    - he is immediately intrigued when seeing the Gold Dollar razors on ebay (why not by the Kriegar, Beauty and Barber, Kamisori, Damascus and any other equally advertised brand as the GD will remain a mystery)
    - he orders one pre-honed and is immediately amazed by the wonderous shave after the very first one. So much that he abandons his trusty Bismarck - we must remember it's honed to his exacting standards, so the new one beating it means only one thing:
    - comes right away to let us all know how great that seller "Lee" is and why we all should trust him with all of our razors like he did
    - when some inconsistencies in that BS story are pointed out to him it's all our fault, because GD is some sort of 'sensitive subject' which makes us attack him for no reason
    - so he has put us on notice and reserve judgement about how gentlemanly this community is - we're apparently simply hostile to innocent 'new guys' with nothing more on their mind but excitement with straight shaving

    I am sorry, but this stinks. My advice - next time you come to shill your services, come up with a better story. Even better advice - if you can hone so well Gold Dollars and other razors how come your many happy and satisfied customers don't come back for honing and refer you their friends, but you have to come to SRP to shill and look for new business?

    Quote Originally Posted by TerryDean
    Did I expect to find this kind of opposition here on the supposedly Gentlemens forum?
    No...I sure didn't...
    For now, I reserve judgment on this form until I get a better feel for its inhabitants...
    Until then, I'll stay along the sidelines and just let my eyes decide whether or not I need to spend anymore time here...
    Its a forum for gentlemen not for trolls like you, so go back where you crawled from.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

    tcrideshd (02-06-2015)

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