I am pleased and grateful to say that I have learned a lot here on this forum. I started learning about wet products, moved into DE and just started SR. I have asked several (foolish) questions but I have gotten many patient answers.

As as I have progressed I have discovered a couple of friends who are interested in wet shaving. Everyone has their own reasons. I have been able to pass on much of what I have learned here. Makes me look smarter for my friends .

recently, one of my friends who has expressed interest has been going through a rough separation from his wife. They are trying to be civil for their boys, it has been rough for both. He is not the kind of man who does much to treat himself. He buys his clothes wisely from thrift stores so his boys have the nice clothes and multiple sports teams.

i found a nice Gillette DE at an antique store a couple weeks ago. My first intention was to clean it up and have fun shaving with it between SR shaves. My friend cam over this past weekend and we started talking about wet shaving. I showed him what I bought for next to nothing. His jaw dropped and his eyes lit up. He started talking about his birthday in a couple of months and how he was going to bite the bullet and buy some things for himself

i finished cleaning the razor yesterday and getting it polished up. I put the razor back into its case with a single package of blades. I gave it to him last night after scout meeting as an early birthday gift. He was about to cry. He ran around showing it off to everyone he could.

Thanks for for everyone here who has helped me learn and helped me to pass on!!