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Thread: Leaving Razor in Bathroom

  1. #1
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    Default Leaving Razor in Bathroom

    Hi all,

    I am new and just bought a straight razor from the classifieds thanks to the help of everyone in the beginners form for recommending that razor!
    I have all my shaving stuff set up in my bathroom and am waiting for the razor to come in and I have a question;
    The bathroom I use is the same one any guest may use that comes over, should I not leave it in there with the rest of my stuff because of safety concerns? (i.e. someone snooping and drop it on themselves, someone cutting themselves/contaminating the razor, etc.)

    Anybody else have a similar situation/setup? What do you do?
    Just curious if I should not leave it there of if I am being over paranoid?

  2. #2
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    Your concerns are valid, but also I would not leave it there because of humidity/rust concerns. I live alone and shower with the door open, yet still I keep my razors in the kitchen.
    rolodave, Baxxer and edhewitt like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    Mine are in my bathroom. Wife has the big bathroom so mine is just a half bath with no shower/steam to worry about.

    Like some other things they have to be put up when the young grandkids come over, don't really worry too much about adults, at least the ones that are invited in.

  4. #4
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    Yeah, razors in the bathroom would be a running source of low-level anxiety for me. Mine are on the bedroom dresser, easy to grab en route to a shave.
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  5. #5
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I keep mine it the gun safe. I shave about 2 times a week. I'll get the one I want to use and clean and strop then shave. when I'm through i'll clean dry strop the re-oil and put it back in the safe. it may be a couple of months before I use the same razor again. but it wouldn't matter. carbon steel will rust from moisture and finger prints. if you handle your firearm and don't wipe it down what happens . in some cases rust spots. I want chance that. I like the razors I acquired and want to keep them in good shape. now that's me. everyone else is different and does things differently. They are neat looking all set up in the bath room though.
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  6. #6
    Senior Member apipeguy's Avatar
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    You have room in your gun safe? I bought a bigger one than I needed but soon found it was too small
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    It depends on how responsible your guests are. You may want to put them away when you have company. Or when they arrive introduce them to your razors and stress the danger. You will also end the curiosity.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    I leave mine in the bathroom wrapped in a handkerchief to keep moisture off them,,,, never had a spot on them.
    From the moment someone steps into the bathroom, they realize that they are in a different kind of bathroom (Shave Den). They always act accordingly,,, lucky so far.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trains1723 View Post
    Hi all,

    I am new and just bought a straight razor from the classifieds thanks to the help of everyone in the beginners form for recommending that razor!
    I have all my shaving stuff set up in my bathroom and am waiting for the razor to come in and I have a question;
    The bathroom I use is the same one any guest may use that comes over, should I not leave it in there with the rest of my stuff because of safety concerns? (i.e. someone snooping and drop it on themselves, someone cutting themselves/contaminating the razor, etc.)

    Anybody else have a similar situation/setup? What do you do?
    Just curious if I should not leave it there of if I am being over paranoid?
    If you have kids visiting, or if you think your guests might be tempted to pick one up and "test" the edge by seeing how sharp it is, you may want to change your storage place.
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  10. #10
    MJC is offline
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    I keep my razor rotation in the off side of a partners desk in my home office.
    And because of a remodel I've had my strop hanging in the office closet, so I strop the razor the night before and usually set it in the bathroom the night before.

    And I would be leery of leaving them exposed to the curious.

    Recently I was showing some of my regular razors to two of my nephews - (17 & 20)
    They were fascinated - my Dad was with us and I showed them one of my Grandfathers (Dad's father, the nephews Great Grandfather they never met) that Glen/ggsixgun had tuned.

    They of course wanted to take pictures to post but the oldest held a razor open with his fingers over the scales as in "it closes and it hits your fingers"
    I untangled that like talking someone out of a boobytrap and then showed him how to prop the razor safely. (It was a Lewis 9/8, it would have been ugly)

    Sooo... Bathroom/humidity etc. is one thing, "attractive nuisance/hazard" is another.

    In my line of work we often use the Monkey Rule - the clean version being; "If they can't eat it or have sex with it - they are going to break it"

    So razors are stored out of way.

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