Quote Originally Posted by JP5 View Post
What straight we're you learning with? And what's your "go to" DE?
Initially it was a plain vanilla Dovo 5/8 extra hollow (made shave-ready by a reputable honer) but I found it much too light and flexible for me. So I bought a Hart Steel 7/8 quarter hollow: I was more successful with that but its sheer size makes maneuvering difficult. Last year I tried again with a Gold Dollar 6/8 that was carefully QC'd and made shave-ready. I actually had the 'best' experience with the GD--less blood and a (slightly) more consistent shave...go figure.

(I recently bought a "new" Hart Steel to compare it to the "old" Hart Steel but I haven't tried it yet.)

I know I need to just buckle down and consistently practice with one razor till I get it right but finding the time has eluded me.

As for my "go to" DE, I've tried dozens but I seem to gravitate to adjustable razors: initially I loved my Merkur Progress but that got put in the drawer when the Parker Variant came out. The Variant got set aside when I tried a Rex Ambassador. For a non-adjustable DE I really like my Feather AS-D2 (but only with a Feather blade. Otherwise I usually pick up my Rockwell 6S, with base plate 2, if I'm using another blade).

My all-time favorite razor? OneBlade (v2). Yeah, yeah, I know many reading this will give me a hard time about that but, damn, it gives me a consistently great shave with less effort. I might as well be a brand ambassador for them.