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  1. #1
    Junior Member Newfie's Avatar
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    Default Razor Stropping Question

    OK, I accept (but don't really understand the mettalurgy involved) the recognized fact that the edge will "change" in a 24 - 48 hour period after shaving, hence the recommended "rest" period I believe. Mainly that's the reason I don't strop after shaving. If it's going to change anyway, why do it? I only shave every 3rd or 4th day with the straight, so I just strop it pre-shave. Am I doing wrong? Should it be stropped post shave too? I've read quite a few posts on that particular issue, and there seems to be a bit of a split of opinion.

    Also, what about the barbers?? These guys (and I loved to watch 'em as a boy) use their razors multiple times in a day, with obviously the only rest period of any length being over a weekend. Is the rest period really that necessary?

  2. #2
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Newfie View Post
    I don't strop after shaving. If it's going to change anyway, why do it?
    At the least to help clean and dry the edge. There is debate on this point and I haven't noticed mush if any difference when not stropping after as when I do, but I like the idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Newfie View Post
    Also, what about the barbers?? These guys (and I loved to watch 'em as a boy) use their razors multiple times in a day, ...
    Nope. A new razor for every client. In fact the razor belonged to the client most times and they just left it with the barber. A razor gets one shave per day and that's all.


  3. #3
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    One former member (Joe Lerch) claims he saw barbers back in the day using the same razor on multiple clients. He also saw them stropping before, during, and after the shave, and theorized that the frequent stropping kept the edge from ever getting very far out of alignment so the resting period wasn't necessary.

    I'm skeptical on the need for a resting period myself. Just because the edge will recover somewhat if it's rested doesn't mean that the razor must be rested for proper recovery.

  4. #4
    DMS is offline
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    I don't have an opinion on the resting period, but I do like to strop mine about ten light laps after use. My thinking is that it can't do any harm and insures the edge is clean/dry before storage. The couple of manufacturer's instructions (Torrey, Henckels) I've seen recommended it too.

  5. #5
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    I've also got the manufacturer's instructions for one razor (a Robeson) that claims the razor never needs stropping. I'm really curious what sort of resting period they were using in their lab

  6. #6
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I remember in the old days when barbers gave shaves the ones I went to used the same 3 or 4 razors on every person. They just sat in barbercide inbetween uses. They would also use them when you got a haircut to do your sideburns. I remember them stropping before each use but don't recall them stropping mid or after even on the guys who came in for shaves.
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  7. #7
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    I've come to the conclusion that it was either resting or stropping that was essential.

    This is another one of those things I don't pay attention enough to but it seems if I let my razors rest for about 3 days they hardly need any stropping, especially on linen.

    If I use the same one everyday after about 3 days it needs to be stropped pretty badly.

    But, stropping before every shave and once in between is such an easy habit to get into I probably don't have the research base to know for sure.

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    I remember reading in my barber's manual that the instructions called for stropping at various points during the shave. If I can get the book back Saturday when I see my barber, I'll double check.

  9. #9
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by steve View Post
    I remember reading in my barber's manual that the instructions called for stropping at various points during the shave. If I can get the book back Saturday when I see my barber, I'll double check.

    I really don't see that as necessary. I only strop before I shave and it works fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by RichZ View Post
    I really don't see that as necessary. I only strop before I shave and it works fine.
    Once again, I agree with you Rich. The only purpose for my comment was because reference was made to Joe Lerch mentioning that he would see barbers stropping mid shave. I meant to offer an explanation for it.

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