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Thread: New use for williams shaving soap

  1. #1
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    Default New use for williams shaving soap

    I have been using Williams shaving soap for years with a brush and my DE razor. I never really used it right until I joined this site. I never truly learned how to lather a brush until someone on here told me how. Wow what a difference it made in my shave.

    Any how I have been shaving lately with some fancier shaving creams and soaps. Proraso and musgo. I have been running out of lather on the third pass of my shave the against the grain part. I know the experts say you don't need a lot of lather for this part but I like to have a little more for some reason. After I run out instead of using my better cream or soap I just lather up my brush with the Williams and make a nice amount of it. I know some will say its a waste of time, but my shave time is all about me so I take as long as I want. I lather up with the Williams and give my face the against the grain and also another pass with across the grain once more.

    I will have to say I don't whats in that shave soap but it makes your skin baby soft and very smooth. A great addition to an other great shave. The best part is its only about 1 dollar for a cake of the product.

    One thing I wont recommend is using AQUA VELVA ICE aftershave it smelled awful. It turned a A+++ shave into a A--- one.
    rolodave and Razorfeld like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Whatever works for you and Williams soap goes. Oth I like the scent of Aqua Velva Ice Blue but don't like to waste my time with Williams soap. Just goes to show different strokes for different folks.

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    You hit that nail on the head.....boy what a dull world it would be if we liked and disliked the same things.
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  4. #4
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    If I remember right, the makers of William's announced they were going to discontinue the manufacture of William's. Being the acquiring type (read, maybe, hoarder) I grabbed a bunch at the one local outlet that carries them. I'm good till my 100th birthday.
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    I hear you there I bought what they had left at a old general store. They were greatful for the newly acquired space. I just hope they don't stock that space with Bic disposable razors. Whats this world coming to. Who ever came up with the concept of plastic disposable razors? there all over the shore of lake Ontario which is in my back yard.

  6. #6
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=pathology101;1534121 there all over the shore of lake Ontario which is in my back yard.[/QUOTE]

    Sounds like they are washing up on the beaches of Lake Ontario.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    Sounds like they are washing up on the beaches of Lake Ontario.
    Perhaps fish have trouble maintaining a straight razor, if kept underwater oxidation shouldn't be a big problem though.
    rolodave, BobH and Haroldg48 like this.
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  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Perhaps fish have trouble maintaining a straight razor, if kept underwater oxidation shouldn't be a big problem though.
    Scales are murder on a straight.
    Haroldg48 likes this.
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