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  1. #1
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    Default Change of perspective

    Hey all,

    Not sure if this should go in Off Topic or not, but here we go anyhow...
    When I first worked at in Neiman Marcus (Needless Markup) I was shocked by the ticket prices that I had to sell. $200 for a friggin pair of pants!?! But after a while I got to selling and it became normal to wonder why someone wouldn't want to buy a $300 denim jacket, or a $100 bottle of Parfume and towards the end of my illustious career there, I had a completely different view on prices there (I still won't buy much there, but those chocolate covered Potato Chips...mmmm)
    Fast forward to now. I started my journey into starights and had some sticker shock once again. $200 for a piece of metal? $600 for some pretty metal? $800 for some pretty french metal?!
    But now I notice myself looking at straight differently. I'm even saving for a Robert Williams (other half is loving that... ). Strange how the perspctive shifts after a while...

    Anyone else notice this in themselves?
    Last edited by custommartini; 05-16-2007 at 12:51 AM.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The problem is while in some things you get increasingly less quality as the price goes up there are some items that are complete ripoffs and you get nothing more than a name for crazy prices. Some people find the name important and I guess that makes it of value to them. I don't mind paying a premium if its a premium product but it has to have substantial quality for me to pay my hard earned dollars for it.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Always falling jimmyman's Avatar
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    Yes, I have noticed over the years that I have gone the opposite way. Now I tend to go places where I spend less than 30 for a pair of pants. If I have to spend more, then I ain't pulling out my wallet. The straight razors and some related items is the most money I have spent (other than a car) on one set or collection of things (or whatever) in over 6 years, with the exception of some absolutely necessary military gear that I had to have for my job. Anyone who has been in know that a lot of the issue stuff can be real junk. I have a real reaction to spending any money unnecessarily, and buying name brand products probably has not occured to me for over 12 years.

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