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Thread: It's just shaving, it's not like my other hobbies...

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    SWMBO just shakes here head at me now...

  2. #12
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    My wife got so tired of my hobby that she gave me an ultimatum. Me or the razors she said. Funny thing's been over 20 years and I must say, I don't miss her at all....
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  3. #13
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    My wife is weird. For that reason she accepts my weirdness.
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  4. #14
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    My wife is weird. For that reason she accepts my weirdness.
    No, your wife is very understanding.
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  5. #15
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    To be clear, it CAN be just shaving. It is possible to shave with a straight razor without making it into a hobby. You don't need every razor, and hone, and strop, and brush, and soap. One of each is sufficient if you wish to focus on other hobbies. Good luck with that!
    There are some minimalists among us. I know of one in Chicago and another in Perth.

    For the most part, we all have some sort of AD and revel in relating our latest additions.
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  6. #16
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    I got the bug at first, too. I bought a number of different razors in different sizes, grinds, etc, and wound up with around 20 razors. I suppose it depends on how deep into the weeds you want to go. I have a great shaver that I use nearly every day, so I'm no longer looking for a better shaver, and my collection has the main things I want.

    I never got the bug for brushes...I tried a few and settled on one that I really like. Hones are much the same; they're tools to me, so one set at necessary grades is all I will likely ever own.

    As far as soaps/creams, I do like to vary the scent I choose each day, and I like my soap to coordinate with the splash or cologne I use, but I only have enough sets such that I can use a different one each day, with one or two others that are less frequently used. I don't have a burning desire to add any others, but I'm not averse to adding an interesting scent to the mix if something comes along.

    So AD can be bad, or you can keep it in control. It really depends on how interested you get and how much the collecting side of things bites you. For me, the best, most pleasurable aspect of all this is the actual shave, so collecting hasn't really hit me hard.
    rolodave likes this.

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