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Thread: Feeling the itch to minimise my collection.

  1. #1
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    Default Feeling the itch to minimise my collection.

    Hi All
    For a while now I've been feeling a need to minimise my razor &hone collection down to about 2 razor's & my coticule & Chinese 12k hone's.
    I 'll be keeping my Feather kamisori & various shavettes that I use on occasion.
    The choice I will make in the next few days.
    I've been thinking about my uncle who used just one straight for most of his life & the Idea of being the same is growing on me.
    After my cancer diagnosis & treatment last year I have
    Been moving more & more to simplifying my life & clearing out the clutter that I have surrounded my self with.
    This is as much an emotional thing for me as a practical
    Has anyone else found themselves moving in this direction
    Let me know what your own thoughts are on this.
    Cheers Guys

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  3. #2
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    It's a nice idea Paul I'm sure you can live a simple life with 7 razors and a few hones, I know you are saying it's growing on you until you see that razor that will eventually turn your head you can't fight it Paul.
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  4. #3
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    Yes, one comes to these realizations. I've been doing the same thing, uncluttering life of things that I find I don't feel that close to, or I don't need. It's not a sacrifice as sometimes they are just the gift someone wished for. I've noticed how little material things are necessary to be happy. I'm staying in Cambridge, where my wife is studying. I just brought one DE, a shave stick, and I've bought the rest of shaving supplies at Boots or at barbers. She is going to be here for a few years so before I come back for a longer stay I will trim my razor rotation to 4. But like celticcrusader said, if "that razor" comes by asking for a home, let it in. Best to you, Victor.
    Sharp&Shiny and Geezer like this.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    Thanks guys .
    Your kind replies make me feel as if I am moving in the right direction.
    Cheers Paul

  6. #5
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    I keep my collection under 15 and when I find a new keeper, I sell one. I keep improving what I have and not just stockpile. I love the hunt so I end up buying quite a few and clean/hone and resell. I could easily get under 10. Hones are another problem completely and I've got a lot of those lol!!

  7. #6
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    I also feel the need to thin the herd. Its not about the money or things.
    Its about people. I would rather give my razors to appreciative kindred souls than sell them to make a buck.
    If you have your hones down to a system that works. Send the rest to a new home.
    I was at 50 razors trying to pare down to 25. At that rate I only see a razor twice a year.
    Trying to get the soaps down to 5. I am down to one strop so thats my high point.
    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  8. #7
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    I understand the sentiment to keep things simple. I have gone more than 6 months shaving with just one razor without any problem at all. Unfortunately I really like to experiment and teach and so I don't think I will be eliminating any hones any time soon. However, I drastically slowed down their acquisition, so I guess that is a start.

    I have a lot of razors awaiting restoration. I suppose I'm stockpiling those for a retirement that will never come; but I do enjoy at least the anticipation of working on them. I have no intention of keeping more than a few of them but I want the opportunity to work with them before setting them free.

    In short, no I have not simplified or reduced yet, but I do intend to do so as time allows me. My work has changed and I will soon have a lot more free time and I am looking forward to making the best of that, and for me, that will be the more important simplification. Life is limited so the priorities we choose really do matter.

    I wish you well with your simplification.
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  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    I feel ya, I have done some on my end over the last year, I PIF as much as possible and I,m a sucker for anyone wanting to try something I have, so after that I am down to 14 razors , way too many brushes and soap , and I did pass on a few strops and have gotten down to 3 I enjoy. Hones has never been an interest yet , even though I have them, but only enough to do my own, with the exception of a bevel setter. My collection really is not even the 14 , some are just pretty things I like, 4 or 5 get used with 1 getting used most of the time,

    So it will make life less complicated and after what you went thru , I,m with you stay well. Tc
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  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    I just posted a couple myself on the classifieds.
    Got to thin it down a bit.

    I am feeling a bit sad at the moment....

  12. #10
    Senior Member Sharp&Shiny's Avatar
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    I thank you guys for your kind replies & I know that there will always be another blade to check out.
    That's the joy with our hobby, calling.
    Cheers Paul
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