Ok, so I have been using straight razors now for 4 months. I shave daily because my beastly face hair makes me.
I started on a shavette and enjoyed the experience but deemed the shavette to dangerous for real use. I then bought a cheap straight razor off ebay and really loved the shave off that (even the the edge lacked temper to hold the edge) and a week later received a dovo best quality razor. This was honed professionally and I REALLLLLY loved the shave from this beast and shave with it daily. I ruined to strops while learning but by best one got away unscaved. Well, like every straight razorer I decided to get some hones, I got generic Chinese crap which has now found its new home propping the door open. I now have a lovely norton set and my 12k, The brand escapes me. I refinished my dovo due to dulling and got a real nice shave again, before long I got some chromium oxide and boy o boy was that a game changer. I now shave so close to the skin I am left wondering why I have a face anymore.

My lesson from this was to stop buying cheap crap and invest in the real deal. I hope others read this and really do take it seriousley (yes thats you) because I spent near £60 on the cheaper stuff and learned that they didnt do the job correctly and had to spend the same anyway getting the right stuff.

Should have done that to begin with. Straight razors are all about what works for you and right now I know what works for me. I shave with my dovo day in day out with no issues. At the point that my dovo is to blunt to shave I use my shavvete. if I am travveling I use my shavvete. Point is, my straight is the bomb, followed by my shavette, I cant remember how to use any other shave nor would I want to.