A couple weeks ago I received a package in the mail. It said happy 18th birthday, although my 18th birthday happened in the 1980's...It was from Gillette and it was a free razor. One of their newest fancy multiblade pivot, ball, bells and whistle ones. I stuck it aside wondering why they thought I was 18, lol. After looking at it for several days I decided to use it this weekend to shave off a few days growth.

Well, after a single pass on one cheek and starting on the neck I threw it down and went and got one of my straight razors to finish. I haven't used one of those piece of crap multiblade razors in several years and after trying the "best" one out there I remembered why. It pulled and was so uncomfortable! The straight razor that I grabbed, which could use a touch up, cut so effortlessly compared to that fancy state of the art piece of modern science.

Proof that new and improved is not always better.