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Thread: Romancing the Shave

  1. #11
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Wonderful subject, and something that would be fantastic to actually accomplish....who knows, maybe one day.

    Place: Rome, Italy
    Project: The Museums (actually spending all the time I wanted in the Vatican Museum and other museums and art Galleries, Churches etc.,), and touring historical sites. To see Julius Caesar's haunts, and other Roman Emperors, and to visit ancient battlefields - all Classical History. Learn some Italian.

    Straight razors: Wade & Butcher 9/8, Celebrated FBU, Palmera #14 8/8
    Strop: Kanayama #3
    Hone: Escher
    Safety razor: Mongoose, Feather ProGuard blades
    Brush: Morris & Forndran L7
    Soap: Martin de Candre Fougere
    Cream: Castle Forbes Lavender
    Aftershave: Esjberg Aftershave Oil, Givenchy Pour Homme's Aftershave
    Drink: Coffee Americano

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Phrank For This Useful Post:

    Obie (10-14-2016)

  3. #12
    The Assyrian Obie's Avatar
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    Such fabulous dreams for all of us. I love the responses. Please keep them coming.

  4. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Place: Old farm house. Tuscany, Italy

    Name:  download.jpg
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    Project: spending time with my young uns, making wine and attempt to make a straight razor.

    Straights: Iwasaki Tamahagane kamisori, Wade and butcher FBU

    Strop: Neil Miller shell Cordovan

    Hone: Escher

    DE: Merkur slant, Astra platinum blades

    Brush: Duke 3 Manchurian

    Soap: Martin de Candre

    Cream: Penhaligons Endymion

    Aftershave: my homemade balm

    Drink : As I have a number of ailments just one tipple would not suffice for my recovery process.
    So in the name of health; a nice ale, not too dark and heavy, so probably Fullers London Pride. Laphroaig with just a hint of mineral water and finally my wine making efforts. Cheers!7
    Last edited by markbignosekelly; 10-14-2016 at 03:45 PM.

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    Obie (10-14-2016)

  6. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    Great thread idea, Obie-We wouldn't want to feel the wrath of any Assyrian war chariots; I've read too many scary stories about them from the Old Testament. So I'll play

    Place: Glencoe, Scotland (right in the middle of the Highlands, Braveheart country, and the prettiest place I've ever been).
    Project:Exploring the Highlands (the people and their language and culture, the lovely farms, all the "stoonin' vestas" as the locals call their beautiful scenery), exploring all the distilleries and their offerings, flyfishing the beautiful rivers and lochs, writing about it all in some non-fiction travel essays (something I've done quite a bit of).
    disclaimer: Though I've got dozens of pics of the Glencoe Pass area, including "The Sisters" portrayed here, you guys know I am not a real photographer, unlike the person who took this!
    Name:  65306685.PQdI0qAk.jpg
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    2 straight razors: Frederick Reynolds humpback smiling edge in a "rattler" grind, and maybe my Wade and Butcher Celebrated Fine India Steel "Diamond Edge."
    1 strop-My custom English bridle strop made by Kevin Adams aka "Hidestoart"
    1 honing stone-Norton 4/8 combo stone if I can only have one, as it does almost everything you need a razor hone to do, really
    1 safety razor with appropriate blade-Gillette SuperSpeed, not used often enough to be a blade connoisseur, I just use the local drugstore brand
    1 shave brush-My acrylic and brass custom made for me by Ray aka "Walleyeman"
    1 soap-Mitchell's Wool Fat since we're in Scotland. I'll sometimes put a drop of patchouli and one of vetiver EO before I use it to jazz up its faint scent a little.
    1 cream-Godrej Menthol Mist
    1 aftershave set up: Splash of generic witch-hazel followed up by one of my custom bay rums made with a "secret recipe."
    1 preferred drink: Scotch of course (or "molt weske" as real Scots say)-Aberlour A'bunadh, Laphroiag Quarter Cask, Ardbeg Uigedail. I love the Islay peat-monsters, so I'll have to take a trip over to the Western Isles for a visit there too!
    Last edited by ScoutHikerDad; 10-14-2016 at 09:01 PM.

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    Obie (10-14-2016)

  8. #15
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    Project--My old job in the mines on a D-8 Caterpillar dozer.
    2 straights--My W.J. Donovan and my John Doe no name.
    Strop--SRD Premium 1.
    Stone--My vintage coticule.
    Brush--Semoque 830 boar.
    Soap--Kirk's Castile.
    Aftershave--Aqua-Velva Musk.
    Drink--Just about any Kentucky bourbon will be fine.

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Benz For This Useful Post:

    Obie (10-16-2016)

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