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Thread: Takeda Club

  1. #31
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    Perhaps there is some way we can work something out to use paypal. I use paypal for payments to my online business so as to not have to have credit card #'s for just that reason. But I don't know any of my clients there, nor do they know me.

    There are a lot of issues that go along with this, that's for sure.
    Last edited by Jonedangerousli; 06-22-2007 at 02:25 PM.

  2. #32
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I've been reading all these post and think its a noble idea but I see too many problems. Maybe I'm too old and cynical. The first problem I see is what if someone hones it up and really screws it up. Also, your talking about a very valuable razor here what if someone sends it to the next person on the list and it "gets lost in the mail" and never appears again. Also what about proper sterilization proceedures as it going from person to person and what if someone catches something and blames the guy who started this whole idea? How about if someone leaves it lying around and it disappears or someones kid gets hold of it and there injuries or what if someone just drops it and damages it beyond repair?

    When you really sit down and think about it there are many issues that need to be addressed and you'll think of many other issues.
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  3. #33
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    That is getting me to think a little more about the idea in general. I don't see how more than a few people are going to jump on board here. Wouldn't a quick alcohol rub down and rinse suffice as sanitation?

  4. #34
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    I know it is a tough pill to swallow... Perhaps one person could simply buy the razor use it decide if they like it, if not list it on hte BST forum and the next person can buy it at say maybe $25 dollars off and then keep passing it around until somebody is happy with the razor and the price they paid for it and decide to keep it. since the razor would not be collective property you would be responcible for your own sanitation and honing just like you would with any other razor you own. You could even add a return policy to the sale so that if the next person thinks you buggered it up to much you take it back, no harm no foul.
    Yes it is expensive for the first person but you will not always be that person.
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  5. #35
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    One of the reasons behind doing the club was to allow everyone to try one of the custom premiums without having to take out a second mortgage or hire a divorce attorney. Some folks simply can't afford that kind of investment.

    The other big advantage was the opportunity to win it at the end.

  6. #36
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Like I said its a noble idea. Actually a good while back I was thinking of a similar thing where someone (me) would circulate just good sharp razors around on a list to newbees so they could experience a sharp razor and all these things came up and I realized it was impractical so it never happened. But its a good thought you have there.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  7. #37
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    Hmm, I still say we should give it a go. We need about 15 more members.

  8. #38
    Senior Member Agamemnon's Avatar
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    I would just reiterate what's already been brought up. If you're number one on the roster then you're getting a pristine, shave ready blade. Number twenty four would get a razor that's been through at least seventy shaves and any number of honings/stroppings by people of different habits and abilities. This would, obviously, make it difficult for everybody to have anything approaching a uniform experience. As far as international shipping; it would probably be best to group participants by country or geographical location to keep shipping costs to a minimum. Maybe rotate the batting order so that number twenty four gets to be number one on the next evaluation. One idea, although it would increase costs for each group member, would be for each member to agree to not strop or hone and instead ship it back to the vendor for inspection, touch up and stropping before it's sent to the next member.

  9. #39
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    Problems aside, this is a cool idea. I say we go for it, and if something happens, we all learn from it. We're all adults, and if we're going to kill each other over $25 and a piece of (granted, very nice) steel, there's no hope for civilization.

    I'm in as long as the price stays in a reasonable range. I'd love to get the razor after mparker uses his 30K kitchen gadget on it...


  10. #40
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    I should mention that the razor had better come clearly marked; otherwise I might think it's one of my eBay purchases and wind up selling it to a newb for $35...


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