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Thread: I am in Love, or I have lost my marbles

  1. #11
    Senior Member BeJay's Avatar
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    Looking at the toe I can see the chip that you're talking about. That sharp corner could be the cause of all the cuts. You'll want to soften that corner to get a comfortable shave. Like I said earlier, send me a PM if you want some help with it.

  2. #12
    KN4HJP sqzbxr's Avatar
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    If it's not honed, it's not going to shave. Did the seller hone it? Do you know? Stropping a dull razor will not help.

    Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    "Every normal man must be tempted at times to spit on his hands, hoist the black flag, and begin to slit throats." -H. L. Mencken

  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Go to the beginners section and take heed of the advise, you need to back up and take one step at a time, just the one cheek till you get the basics down, and like was said honed by the maker? You so sure of that? And at least with Ulriks blade it will be shave ready the others I have my doubts, but the beginners section will address all of these points, read then come back.
    Try to break up your composition into paragraphs so we don't get lost, Good luck. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Just a freindly suggestion ...... I haven't read much of your post. Hurts my eyes. That key on your keyboard marked either 'enter', or return, will break up text into more easily read segments. I've quoted your post and will demonstrate the difference. If you expect people to read all that you painstakingly wrote, make it easier on them by using the enter key. Best of luck with the Kamisori.

    Quote Originally Posted by Casaluz View Post
    I feel the need to confess in the privacy of this forum (must be the Catholic part of my character). I absolutely lost my marbles at the end of the year and went crazy heads on into a rabbit hole: straight razors. A little bit from some side comments from friends or acquaintances have made regarding razors, and a lot evolving from my love for kitchen knives I begun to read fueled by a secret wish held for a very long time, to learn how to shave with a straight razor. Having learned from the experience in the knife rarefied stratosphere of crazy nutcases of which I am now hopelessly one, I found a forum.

    Also influenced by the wonderful experience of being helped by some people when I was learning about japanese knives, I reached out and asked for help. Sadly, finding generous souls willing to hold your hand in a steep learning curve is rarer than it should be. I wrote some private messages introducing myself and asked for advice on a couple of general questions and a couple of specific questions, Some answers were non committal to the point that I am not sure I had more information or more questions at the end. I other cases I received the same poetic response that I have sometimes gotten in communications over the years when searching obscure information: beautiful silence barely interrupted by the singsong of very distant crickets.

    Figuring that it might be better to get razors that I can resell if needed, I begun to read and fell in love with the idea of a japanese kamisori and after much soul (and wallet) searching I ordered an Iwasaki Kamisori . I also bought a western straight razor to compare and contrast, and after much agonizing over seemingly infinite options, I ordered today a custom razor from Ulrik Beyer of Koraat razors in Austria. I realized that I needed a strop so I also purchased a kanoyama board strop. The next step was a familiar feeling; sitting on my hands waiting,...

    After what it seemed like a couple of bad years without rain (a week and a half) obsessing over additional options and waiting for my kamisori to arrive, it finally did, as well as a paddle strop and a pretty case to keep the kamisori. Here I was finally opening the beautiful kiri box containing a mind blowing piece of japanese blade making. Oh Dear GOD! I am in love! with a Knife! AGAIN! it is so freaking beautiful. After handling so many knives in so many ways, I feel I can recognize a true jewel and this is one.

    Sadly, I had just shaved with my trusted MERKUR DE razor and had a spectacular smooth shave. I think my safety razor was jealous. Somewhere in my mind I begun to hear voices... the voice of my DE razor saying: “ARE you going to leave ME for HER? after all these years of loyalty to you? what does she have that I do not? That she is tiny and japanese? is that it? better than my well proportioned and substantial German body? and she only has ONE edge!” and my mind meekly responded:”yes but she has an ancient classical beauty... and you know I have weakness for Japanese blades…”

    At this point I felt the last marbles of my sanity rolling away in panic.. I ignored my head voices and begun the process of making a wrapping of the handle with flat leather 3 mm strip I had just for this purpose (is this a good idea? the grip is beautiful and secure...) and gingerly put the razor away with the paddle strop waiting for the opportunity to finally shave...

    A few days later I was ready. I plan to do it with time and in the peace and silence of night. I cannot contain my excitement. After almost 55 years on this planet I finally have arrived to the world of pure MANLINESS. Never mind my experiences in the Amazons, or 25 years of hard work training Japanese martial arts, or the adrenaline of covering the body of a man gored by a bull to protect him from the bulls behind running towards us when I was working as a rescuer for the Red Cross in Pamplona... NO! I AM MAN NOW, I am going to shave with a naked beautiful Japanese handmade blade... My warrior ancestors from the North of Spain would feel proud of their descendant when they were facing ancient foes in the centuries war of the Middle Ages and see that I too am brave and love steel... I have read, and read and see videos. I know how to handle a Yanagiba to perform Katsuramuki, I can do this.
    I prepare my station and bring the Iwasaki out and I strop it carefully, with love after noticing that a tiny corner of the delicate edge is missing...I want to cry and scream! did I do it? When? How?.... nothing I can do. I softly say in Spanish, the language of my heart: “I love you even more my beautiful kami, please forgive me, I am here with you and soon we will be dancing as you were meant to do, with me”.
    I strop carefully. 50 laps. I put my brush in hot water and get my soap out. I take a long hot shower and realize that I better put pants before the start of the shave... handling knives naked is the ultimate foolishness and I know better. I am almost trembling with excitement. I apply the soap and strop the kamisori again, just in case... I surely can split atoms now... HA! my Quantum Mechanics Professor in College had no prayer of understanding what true nano edge is... I know this because he had a beard, no kamisori for him...

    Ready? YES Here we go. Introductions are proper here; Face this is Kami, Kami this is Face, t you are going to start spending time together from now on... “ and with this introduction finally begin...
    hold a second... how do I hold this? engravings away from the face yes, but what angle? the bevel against the face? maybe? ok, there it goes... smoothly... half an inch... OUCH! I cut myself... no problem, keep going, slow, steady... OUCH, S@#$, half of the hair is there and now I am bleeding... ok, ok breathe... now down to the neck... what? how do I do this? I cannot see.. and I hear voices again... "Are you going to slash your neck? are you going to leave your daughters fatherless in a pool of blood? are you nuts?" I shush them and continue... one pass, a little cut, another pass, another little cut... it feels pulling the hairs sometimes... OUCH, more blood... what is this?... the videos look easy and everybody swears to this as a transformational experience...

    I remember someone describing shaving with straight western razors as driving a Porsche, and shaving with a kamisori like the iwasaki as driving an F1... and one of my voices barks a laugh at me at yells "REALLY? Porsche? F1? You have been driving an automatic Honda CRV since you bought it in 1998! what are you doing? You are an idiot!” I ignore the voices and continue...OUCH, again... Ok let us try the other side of the face... kami, this is the other side of my face, please be gentle to her... silence... not even crickets... I am scared... I can do this, I have been thrown all over the place in dojos in Japan by tiny people, I can handle this... I figure I stay with the right hand, I do not trust my left not to kill me out of pure clumsiness...

    I do a pass on the neck and nothing comes out... change the angle, try again...OUCH, more blood, my soap looks pink, and I try to work it over and over again, I apply more soap and do another pass... and another... and another..and my face is stoic in its acceptance of punishment and pain...but I am a TRUE CATHOLIC and I present the other side of the face... again and again... not even the priests of my old Jesuit high school would ask for so much...I elevate the angle of the blade and it feels as if I am trying to scratch the hair with nails, lowered the angle almost parallel to the skin and feels that I am going to perform katsuramuki with my flesh... Is this fun?

    IS THIS FUN? my voices yell at me dripping sarcasm... my ego is bleeding more than my face and neck, and finally I cannot take the punishment anymore. I stop on a barely acceptable shave with hair heads sticking out randomly, everywhere... I wash and dry carefully the blade, and dry it several times, strop again about 20 times and finally put everything away. I wash the brush and finally is time to assess the damage on my face... OH GOD, the neck is actually almost inflamed, flaming red with razor burn and probably almost raw... I delicately wash it with cold water... see? not that bad? I lie to myself with my voices laughing hysterically at my expense... Ok. Now the moment of truth, I need to apply the alum block all over the face.... HOLY S... THAT HURTS! Oh my DEAR GOD!... I want to cry... and this is with a kamisori? what can I expect with the straight edge razor that is on its way as well? it suddenly feel it is going to be SO BIG? is this an inappropriate joke? the voices ask smirking, and I want to cry...

    I put the cheap aftershave lotion I use (from Harrys) and go to the kitchen to rub ice on my neck... it is so burned and inflamed that I can feel the skin pulsing... my family is going to yell at me tomorrow... and my voices are yelling already as well,,, Can I do this again? should I sell the blades and tools back, grow a beard and feel really manly with a face full of hair?... can I take this again and on a regular basis?... and then...
    a tiny, tiny little voice squeaks and says... “But, but, it is a Japanese handmade blade…”

    Oh Dear, I lost my marbles… and yet, I am in love…
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeJay View Post
    I've been at it with straights for some time now, but I too am new to kamisoris. I've had the best results when actually laying the kami flat against my face. I'm in the east bay. If you need any help with honing, send me a PM.
    Thank you so much BeJay,I appreciate your offer very much

  6. #16
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong with the razor. Some have muted toes.
    It may well need honing tho, as may your shaving skills.
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  7. #17
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Nothing wrong with the razor. Some have muted toes as per pic below.
    It may well need honing tho, as may your shaving skills.
    Attached Images Attached Images  
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  8. #18
    KN4HJP sqzbxr's Avatar
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    My Iwasaki has the toe muted in almost exactly the same way.
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  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    Just a freindly suggestion ...... I haven't read much of your post. Hurts my eyes. That key on your keyboard marked either 'enter', or return, will break up text into more easily read segments. I've quoted your post and will demonstrate the difference. If you expect people to read all that you painstakingly wrote, make it easier on them by using the enter key. Best of luck with the Kamisori.
    Hey I was in Your shoes 6 mnths ago All wound up, Best thing since ?? I just wanted to say everybody on here means well & they all have your back & are willing to help you in any way they can.. But Drop down give me Twenty was funny!!Ty
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  10. #20
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    Fast is Slow, Slow is Fast. Welcome to SRP. Yeah, give me 20 more.

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