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  1. #1
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    Default Hi & New Kamisori Coming...

    Hello. Hope everyone is well. First post here. Seems like a fun place. Hope you wont mind the typical newby question...

    Many years ago, my father showed me how straight shave. I only kept up with it for a few months and now, about 35 years later, I'm going to try again. My strop and stone are in fine shape but, the razor is nowhere to be found so, I ordered a Kamisori Blue-Blade.

    Quick Question: Before using it, will it likely need to be honed or will a a quick stropping do the job?

    Thanks in-advance...

    Ray C.

  2. #2
    Senior Member ucliker's Avatar
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    Hello and Welcome! Well more than likely it will need to be honed, what kind of stone are you using?

  3. #3
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    Beats me, it's a million years old and has probably sharpened a million razors. It appears to be a solid block of ceramic about 3/4" x 2 2/4" x 6" (inches). It has no real visible signs of wear which probably means it's harder than metal.

    Ray C.

  4. #4
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Smile Welcome, Ray

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you might not have such an easy time of it with that razor and that hone. Have a look at this thread for more information on Kamisori razors:

    This is an interesting one if you want a cheaper model.

    Alternately you can post a thread in the Buy/Sell/Trade Forum here for a shave ready antique. Most come quite reasonably priced. At any rate, having an experienced honer go at it first for you is a very god idea since setting an edge is no small task, especially for the uninitiated.

    Tell us about your strop.


  5. #5
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    Cancel that Kamisori if you can. What ever you do don't accept delivery. Get your money back. I have one I use as a letter opener

  6. #6
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    My old strop is an Illinois brand. The leather and linen are in very good condition. -No problems there.


    Perhaps I misled you all... My Kamisori has a Solingen carbon steel blade and is the same model shown in the link posted by xman. With any luck, the newer ones will be OK. If not, oh-well, such is life... I'll move on to the next one.


    Sharpening: I'm going to hope for the best there. I have a reasonable mechanical background. It seems to me that having a properly dressed stone is half the battle. The other half is to have the proper grinding compounds. -And the final half ( ) is to develop the proper touch and technique.

    Sounds like an interesting experience and fun challenge.

  7. #7
    I'm Back!! Jonedangerousli's Avatar
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    I don't think YOU mislead US. Nor did WE mislead YOU. Good luck with that Kamisori. If you have a good one it will be the first that I've heard of. My letter opener has that same "Solingen" blade.

    The other half is having decent steel to work with.

    That makes 8/8. Hmmmm

    Oh, btw, Welcome aboard Ray!


  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Just because the blade has solingen written in gold doesn't mean its from solingen anymore than an old vintage blade has damascus written on it makes it a damascus type blade. What the others have said is true, do yourself a favor and send it back don't even touch it when it comes. Do yourself a favor and get a quality instrument.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #9
    Senior Member Straight and loving it's Avatar
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    I like to think of it like this...
    There's the real Harley Davidson and then there are the knock offs. Some are very good and some leave you wanting more. But nothing, not ever, never can any wannabe Harley clone feel as good as the real thing or give you the same thrill.

    I have looked at the Kamisori line and I notice that even the strop they sell looks identical to the DOVO brand. If the rasor is a Dovo contracted blade, it should be okay with lots and lots of honing but for the price, you could have the real McCoy.

    My two cents...

    Welcome to the forum Ray.

  10. #10
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    ... Just curious ...

    What seems to be the problem with these Kamisori/Solingen razors? Do they not hold an edge (implying poor quality metal) or, is there a fundamental problem with the geometry of the spine (and thus, the blade angle is incorrect)?

    Years ago, I worked as a machinist (my dad was a tool and die maker) and I also have considerable experience as a pistolsmith. A little heads-up on the problem might give me some clues on how to approach the issue if I run into problems.

    We'll see how it pans-out and if it seems hopeless, I'll just try different razors.

    Another question: Is solingen a trade-name or, is it just some diluted, meaningless catch-phrase?

    Thanks for the help...

    Ray C.

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