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Thread: Kind of folks on this forum

  1. #1
    Senior Member MedicineMan's Avatar
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    Default Kind of folks on this forum

    Just got a package in the mail from a member on here that had read I got a new Futur.
    I'm not going to mention any names. (He PM'd me so I don't know if he wants to keep it an anonymous thing or not).

    Anyway I got a PM saying the Futur is a great razor; "I got some Voskhods I'll send you free of charge".
    I was expecting 2-3 packs...

    Nope. I got 20 packs sitting here next to me.

    That's the kind of folks I've run into on this forum

    Good people that share their knowledge and PIF when the opportunity arrises.

    Have a good one and be safe,
    mainaman, lz6, Geezer and 19 others like this.
    Keep it safe and Cheers,

  2. #2
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    I have no idea who your benefactor was, but it does not at all surprise me. There are some great folks here.

    Another member here sent me his Brian Brown razor so I could see if I liked the grind. I like full hollow singing razors and was not sure Brian's modified hollow grind would suit me. I liked the razor, returned it to its owner, and purchased one of my own soon thereafter.

    Now that same individual, knowing I like hollow ground Sheffield steel, sent me a Kropp NOS 6/8 hollow grind to evaluate. As soon as I check it out, I hope we can strike a deal to add it to my collection.

    I plan to send him one of my finishing hones to check out in return for his kindness to me.
    lz6, Geezer, rolodave and 8 others like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member MedicineMan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayClem View Post
    I have no idea who your benefactor was, but it does not at all surprise me. There are some great folks here.

    Another member here sent me his Brian Brown razor so I could see if I liked the grind. I like full hollow singing razors and was not sure Brian's modified hollow grind would suit me. I liked the razor, returned it to its owner, and purchased one of my own soon thereafter.

    Now that same individual, knowing I like hollow ground Sheffield steel, sent me a Kropp NOS 6/8 hollow grind to evaluate. As soon as I check it out, I hope we can strike a deal to add it to my collection.

    I plan to send him one of my finishing hones to check out in return for his kindness to me.
    That's what I'm talking about!
    Keep it safe and Cheers,

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That type of thing has been going on since day one around here.

    We are one of the last bastions of "word or honour" and we are all serious about spreading the word about wet shaving and use of straights.

    It's what sets us apart from other sites.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
    Senior Member MedicineMan's Avatar
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    I've got a young friend in college that's getting married next month. I've know the lad since he was knee high (his moms is my wife's best friend). He's pretty frugal kid and started DE/wet shaving to save some money. Last summer when he left for school I gave him my DE and the 100 or so blades I had (hence the need for the futur).
    The wife and I are going to send him and is bride some cash as a wedding present. I plan to send 5-10 packs his way via his parents when they go to the wedding. Kind of a little bonus wedding present just for him. It's a small gesture, but this kid is the type that will really appreciate it.

    I think once he gets out of school and married I'll be able to get him on SRP. He fit in real nice with our crowd. Good kid with a good head on his shoulders.

    I'm trying to get moved and set up so I can start restoring the modest SR's I got from a Ebay lot. He and his bride are hoping to move back out here to San Diego. My goal is to get a SR restored and ready for him so when they get here I can hook him on straights as well.
    Keep it safe and Cheers,

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