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  1. #1
    Senior Member Creel's Avatar
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    Default Got any good distractions while shaving stories?

    Got any good distractions while shaving stories? I’ll lead off with today’s

    I had skipped breakfast and morning coffee and went straight to a full treatment shave for a baseline for the long weekend.
    Right into my first pass my lady and my five year old stroll in to our crowded with just me bathroom and start getting something and leave.
    I’m Zen. It is good that we are all confident and comfortable with this shaving ritual.
    Then they are back and I’m into my atg pass and less Zen as they start setting something up in our way too crowded with three. A little less Zen I ask:
    “Can you do whatever you’re doing somewhere else while I finish guys…
    Now I’m way less Zen.

  2. #2
    Connoisseur of steel Hawkeye5's Avatar
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    I will never share the bath with my wife while I am shaving with a straight again.
    A few days ago she came in to put on makeup while I was shaving. While putting on mascara, she stuck the brush in her eye and let out a squawk!! Fortunately I did not have the razor on my face at the time.
    Wish the contractor would get our master bath remodel finished so we don't have to share space.

  3. #3
    God of War celticstone's Avatar
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    all is quiet one day and I am doing a x grain pass, you could have heard a pin drop in the house when my wife screams at the dog to get off the bed, and i put a nice 2 inch slice down the side of my cheek. Now i shave when no one is at home, or proceed to tell them I am shaving and dont bother me.

  4. #4
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    I've told this story before, but it seems appropriate here...

    Quite awhile ago, shortly after I began using a straight, I was happily shaving when my daughter barged into the bathroom (as she used to do on a regular basis). Anyway, I jumped, sliced my cheek (not bad, but it bled like the proverbial stuck pig). She was terrified and I used it as a teaching moment as I had her undivided attention (quite rare when dealing with a 7-year-old). Anyway, she has never since then run full tilt into our bathroom while I'm shaving. She has several times come in very quietly and just stood there until I recognized her presence and asked what she needed, but she has always been very careful not to startle me while shaving.

    Now if I could only teach that to the dogs...


  5. #5
    Senior Member Creel's Avatar
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    I used it as a teaching moment as I had her undivided attention
    Very rare indeed!

  6. #6
    Senior Member Ruckeriii's Avatar
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    Exclamation This one nearly stopped my straight razor shaving all together.

    I was shaving with one of the replaceable (DE) blade straight razors, in an attempt to save time. My son (at the time 2 years old) was fascinated by the shiny things dad played with every morning, and had begged to see the razors several times during the week. Had watched him try to clime onto the sink where I keep my shaving stuff (not the razors) and was confident that he could early reach the sink if he worked hard at it, shaving was not a problem. (I thought)

    This particular morning I was fed up with my wife’s bitching over the time to took to shave and switched to disposable blade razors. My boy took up his usual post 4 feet behind me. I kept a close eye on him during my shaves but could not lock him out of the room. Well the little guy must have been practicing on the sink when I was at work, after one stroke I looked over my holder to see him sitting 4 feet away and turned to rinse the razor in the sink. Without any warning my sons arm shot into the sink from the side, I made a grab for his hand and wrapped my fingers around his wrist just as he wrapped his around the blade of my razor! Here I am, my boy has my straight razor in his fist and I have his wrist in mine! I am shouting “Let go” and he is screaming because I will not let him have his prize! I could not pull the razor away he had to let go. He on the other hand was hanging by his wrist, and had no intention or giving up this shiny new toy. By now there was blood running freely into the sink. My boy had no idea he was cut and clinched his fist the way only a mad 2 year old can. My son was about to loose the use of his fingers, maybe for good! Luckily I know about the nerve bundle in the wrist that controls the fingers. I never thought I would use such a painful preacher point on my boy but was there grinding into this soft point and hoping his fingers would open far enough.

    My boy escaped with a shallow slice across his fingers and thumb, and my razors went into the closet for over a year.


  7. #7
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ruckeriii View Post
    He on the other hand was hanging by his wrist, and had no intention or giving up this shiny new toy. By now there was blood running freely into the sink. My boy had no idea he was cut and clinched his fist the way only a mad 2 year old can. My son was about to loose the use of his fingers, maybe for good!
    Man, that would scare the p*** out of me. Thanks for sharing this one. I'll be sure not to put myself in a position like that with little ones around.

    Thanks to everyone for sharing these valuable lessons.


  8. #8
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    That really is a story worth taking to heart for those of us with kids. From day 1 I locked my razors in a metal cash box which I keep in a drawer in my bedroom. The key is kept high (almost too high for me!) on the top of a mirror frame in the bathroom, our of sight and out of reach of everyone bar me.

    When I shave I'm usually alone (evenings) but sometimes at the weekend I will shave in the morning and one time my 5-yo son came in to watch. I went through the usual warnings and told him to stand back, out of the way and not to jump or run around.

    5 minutes into the shave he decides to change position and walk slowly around to the side of the sink while I'm re-lathering. The blade is resting on the side of the sink. As he moves around to the side, he puts his hand out to steady himself, right onto the blade. He realises he has knocked Dad's prize possession and, not wanting to be told off, reaches out quickly with both hands to steady the blade and make sure it doesn't fall to the ground. My heart skipped a beat. He was unscathed, but he could see the look on my face.

    I don't want to ban him from the bathroom while I shave, I think it's something all little boys watch their Dads doing, even if it's with a disposable (the lather on my face cracks him up!). So I just take a little more time if he's around: if I have to put the blade down I will wipe it and close it first, then put it in a less risky spot.

  9. #9
    Smooth Member Nicolas's Avatar
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    Default Safety 1st

    Shaving is like sex and traffic: safety 1st

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