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Thread: Just a little funny story

  1. #1
    Senior Member rlmnshvstr8's Avatar
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    Default Just a little funny story

    I was once told of a man. He was well known in the town and was called Wise Fred. Everyone loved going to his house to see his tremendous collection of razors, stones and strops from all ages.

    One day Wise Fred was sitting down to lunch with his wife, and he said, "Honey, I finally went down to see John our lawyer and got my last will and testament done, and I told him that I want you take all my shaving equipment and sell it. I want you to call my shave buddy and have him help you in selling it. But there is one thing I want you to do."

    His wife said, "What's that?"

    Fred said, "What ever you do...don't sell it for what I said I paid."

    Later that evening Fred passed away and the town for some reason no longer called him Wise Fred.
    rolodave and Steel like this.
    A fool flaunts what wisdom he thinks he has, while a wise man will show that he is wise silently.

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  3. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That story or similar has made the rounds of any site dedicated to collecting just about anything.

    It says more about men being afraid of their wives more than anything else.

    I've always said both you and the wife have their own "personal money" to do what they wish with commensurate with the family budget.
    Mrchick likes this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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    Mrchick (08-01-2017)

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    Senior Member Mrchick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    That story or similar has made the rounds of any site dedicated to collecting just about anything.

    It says more about men being afraid of their wives more than anything else.

    I've always said both you and the wife have their own "personal money" to do what they wish with commensurate with the family budget.
    That's what my wife and I do. It works great.

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