
Not long ago, I mentioned that a new Kamisori 150 was coming my way... Well, it arrived last week.

Out of the box, (as expected) it was not shave ready. After some lengthy linen/leather stropping, it sharpened-up enough to get a very rough shave. I used it for a week and practiced my skills shaving and stropping. I felt that it needed some careful inspection and honing and ultimately decided to do the work myself.

I have no experience with straight razors so my comments herin are without the benefit of knowledge, experience or a reference for comparison. I am however reasonably skilled with machine-shop tools and procedures...

Close inspection revealed that the sharp edge was shaped like a scythe. It was somewhat concave and the center of the arc was 0.004" (inch) from flush. Also the bezel was very irregular and uneven on both sides. It was clearly formed (imprecisely) with a muslin wheel. I decided to keep the razor and attempt to hone it myself.

The bezel did not lay flat on a piece of glass so, I taped the spine with vinyl tape (to protect it) and honed it with an india stone using water and toothpaste as a lapping compound. Using circular motions (and 90 minuts of my time) I fixed most of the bezel. There is still a 0.25 inch (approximately 8mm) length of bezel near the tip that does not lay flat. It is my feeling that the corresponding tip of the spine is irregular and needs to be adjusted. Haven't quite figured-out how to approach this yet but generally feel it should be correctable using a proper stone.

I removed the tape from the spine and using a good ceramic stone (from my machine shop), I adjusted the bezel angle again. Using the same stone, I then polished the edge to the best of my meager ability and followed-up with a linen/leather stropping. There is still a rough spot on the edge where the bezel transistions from good to bad.

As it stands now, 90% of the edge seems to be properly shaped, honed and stropped. The good part of the blade will clip the tops of free-standing arm hairs effortlessly.

The shave was Vastly better than any prior.

I have ordered some proper stones (Norton 8000, Nagura stone and Coticule). I believe it's within my ability to correct the remaining flaws and clean-up the edge nicely.

In general, other aspects of the blade were good. The metal feels good, the bluing is good quality, the tang was nicely finished and there were no crude machining marks or scores anywhere. The bezel and edge however needed quite a bit of work.

Fixing the blade is a fun (albiet ongoing) experience. Shaving with it is something I look forward to every morning. FYI: I can shave about 70% of my face and look forward to getting better and faster at it. One thing I noticed however, is that as I get older, I get a little more handsome (yeah, right!) .

Be good...

Ray C.