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  1. #1
    Senior Member johnmw1's Avatar
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    Default I can fool some people sometimes, but I can't fool the wife ever!

    As the topic says, I just can't fool the wife when it comes to Tabac, she detests the smell of it and it's the only smell she has ever complained about to do with my shaving.

    I shave at approximately 4.00am each morning, and yesterdays shave did actually consist of my newly acquired Tabac shaving soap.

    Now I don't go to bed until 10.00pm or so, and as I get into bed last night at about that time, she says to me, you've got that Tabac on haven't you. I tried to deny it but she kept insisting on the fact that I had that old man smell on. This is despite the fact that I had a quick shower before bed.

    I don't know what gives with this Tabac scent, because to be sure I could not smell it, and as a matter of fact I don't really even notice it even when I am shaving with it, let alone still smelling it some 18hrs later.

    I really like the shave I'm starting to get with the Tabac, even though I don't think I have got the correct consistency just yet. My go to is still Red Proraso though, and it is my all time favourite.

    Perhaps I could mix the two together and confuse her some how.


  2. #2
    SIB is offline
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    In my house certain scents are also forbidden by my wife...( some sandalwoods) ...and i also try to get sneaky sometimes...i am with you.
    I really thought getting into marriage was all about being away from stripclubs and late nights with friends...oh boy i was wrong...its so hard to keep this being happy and in silence...
    You are not alone buddy.

  3. #3
    JMS is offline
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    Yeah! I call my wife old super nose! I can have a beer with lunch on a short day, finish my lunch after I finish my beer, have a rich decadent desert and finish up with coffee and come home 3 hours later, I walk in the door and the first thing out of my wifes mouth is" did you have a beer today?"
    Well ,I got her back one day by saying yes, but can you tell me what kind?

  4. #4
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    LOL! Yep, my wife's the same. My favourite food is the Malay Laksa noodle soup. She can be away at a conference and still know I've had one two days later! (I kid you not)... Must be the garlic...

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  5. #5
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    My wife now knows as many chiles as I do... in self defence... She can spot what chiles I've used long before she has tasted it. Yup she is a NON-chile head and will not let me cook with anything she hasn't "passed for consumption"!!! I tell ya it's hard getting adventurous with chiles while making such small dishes that only I will eat...

  6. #6
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwarvenChef View Post
    My wife now knows as many chiles as I do... in self defence... She can spot what chiles I've used long before she has tasted it. Yup she is a NON-chile head and will not let me cook with anything she hasn't "passed for consumption"!!! I tell ya it's hard getting adventurous with chiles while making such small dishes that only I will eat...

    I started off reading that "chiles" as a slslang term for in "honey chile", not as a type of pepper. must be the ale, because i was wandering how many kids go missing in your neighborhood.
    you had to be in my mind.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member kbuzbee's Avatar
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    Another vote, here.

    My wife ALWAYS knows if I've had garlic out..... Now I'm not talking about, say for lunch..... No, once, years ago, on a business trip, I had a seafood dish (all restraunt dishs have lots of garlic IME)..... on TUESDAY.... She smelled it when I came home late Friday! I was stunned.....

    She hasn't had anything negative about any of the shaving products I've tried though, so that's good..... (I do kinda miss some of those great seafood dishs though )


  8. #8
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kbuzbee View Post
    Another vote, here.

    My wife ALWAYS knows if I've had garlic out..... Now I'm not talking about, say for lunch..... No, once, years ago, on a business trip, I had a seafood dish (all restraunt dishs have lots of garlic IME)..... on TUESDAY.... She smelled it when I came home late Friday! I was stunned.....

    She hasn't had anything negative about any of the shaving products I've tried though, so that's good..... (I do kinda miss some of those great seafood dishs though )

    I feel your pain.
    My wife can smell garlic on me for 2 to 3 days.

    and since her first pregnancy, her sense of smell is heightened when it comes to things like garlic and sweat. I am banned from eating my favorite pizzas and soups, only because they contain trace amounts of garlic that she didn't pick up on before.

    And if I go out with friends and I have something that accidentally contains garlic, I only have to open the door and she says 'you've eaten garlic.' And I have to keep my distance for several days.

    But tomorrow we go to a Japanese te-pan yaki restaurant where they use a lot of garlic butter. But since we will both eat there, I hope she doesn't smell it on me. At least for the remainder of the evening.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member kbuzbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    But tomorrow we go to a Japanese te-pan yaki restaurant where they use a lot of garlic butter. But since we will both eat there, I hope she doesn't smell it on me. At least for the remainder of the evening.
    Good luck with that! I thought similar but, a couple times, even though we ate the same thing, she could smell the garlic..... on ME.....

    Oh well.... Like I said.... Good luck, Brother!


  10. #10
    Senior Member johnmw1's Avatar
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    Surprise Surprise,

    Yesterdays shave consisted of a blend of Tabac and Proraso Red, and believe it or not she did not seem to notice it.

    Or perhaps it had more to do with going to the local department store and trying on new aftershaves that she thinks she would like me to wear.


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