View Poll Results: I would definitely attend the Wet Shaving convention if it will cost me:

60. You may not vote on this poll
  • less than $150 (this implies you’re probably commuting and NOT staying overnight)

    22 36.67%
  • $150 - $300 (implies driving and staying overnight/flying a short distance & NOT staying overnight)

    28 46.67%
  • $300 - $600 (implies you’re flying a short to moderate distance & staying overnight)

    15 25.00%
  • $600 - $1000 (this implies you’re flying moderate distance and staying overnight)

    8 13.33%
  • $1000 - $1500 (this implies you’re flying a long distance and staying overnight)

    3 5.00%
  • greater than $1500 (this implies you’re likely flying internationally and staying overnight)

    2 3.33%
  • I probably wouldn't attend no matter what it cost.

    0 0%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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  1. #11
    Smooth Member Nicolas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    The question probably should have been changed to include only local costs and not travelling costs. That way, someone who would vote for say $150 would indicate that if the event itself costs $150, he would come, having looked at traveling costs beforehand.
    Valid point!

  2. #12
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    So far only about 10% of the members who have logged in since the poll went up have bothered to vote. We need everyone to vote.

    There's no commitment involved... we're just asking you to indicate approximately what you could justify spending to attend the convention.

    I've added an "I wouldn't attend" option for those who wish to vote that option.

  3. #13
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I voted, but I think this poll is created the wrong way.
    I voted for the 150 - 300 option because that is what I would be prepared to pay.

    But being a European, this is not even enough to cross the big pond, so even though I voted, I don't see what use my answer will be.

    The question probably should have been changed to include only local costs and not travelling costs. That way, someone who would vote for say 150$ would indicate that if the event itself costs 150$, he would come, having looked at traveling costs beforehand.
    I'm pretty much in the same boat as Kees and Bruno. I'd love to but just don't have the cash to spare.

  4. #14
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    You need to interpret the poll question in the following way... if the convention were being held somewhere that would cost me approximately $X for transportation, meals, lodging, and fees would I attend. The choices for X are 0-150, 150-300, etc. It doesn't matter where you live for the purposes of the poll since what I'm trying to model is (on average) what percentage of our members could afford to attend a convention if it cost them less than $150, between $150 and $300, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    <snip>I'd love to but just don't have the cash to spare.
    So then I'd guess you either voted "I probably wouldn't attend no matter what it cost" or "$0-150". Nothing wrong either response. What's important is that YOU VOTED.

    edit... if you didn't already vote, I've reopened the poll for another week.
    Last edited by azjoe; 09-09-2007 at 10:18 PM. Reason: reopen poll.

  5. #15
    Senior Member Steelforge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I voted, but I think this poll is created the wrong way.
    I voted for the 150 - 300 option because that is what I would be prepared to pay.

    But being a European, this is not even enough to cross the big pond, so even though I voted, I don't see what use my answer will be.

    The question probably should have been changed to include only local costs and not travelling costs. That way, someone who would vote for say 150$ would indicate that if the event itself costs 150$, he would come, having looked at traveling costs beforehand.
    Same concerns here really. I voted a few weeks ago in the cheapest bracket, but that would have to include travel costs too for me to come from the UK.

    I'd love to attend but realistically couldn't unless it was in the UK, which isn't going to happen.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Am I right in thinking that the poll seems to have devolved to a "if the lunch were free, would you eat?" Obviously the trend in answers seems to be "well, since it costs, I'll starve." Aha! What an inspiration I'm having: The SRP Diet! Move over Dr. Whoever. SRP is gonna get rich on this one and then the Convention could be free!!

    Guys, you are geniuses!

  7. #17
    Senior Member azjoe's Avatar
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    Actually, a preliminary look at the data is somewhat encouraging. But so few of our members have voted that it's hard to conclude they represent the norms of the group. Nonetheless (once I correct for those that didn't follow the directions ) here's a snapshot of what we have so far...
    • Since no one voted they would not attend, we can assume a high percentage of members would spend up to $150 to attend.
    • approx 75% would spend up to $300
    • approx 35% up to $600
    • approx 15% up to $1000
    • approx 5% up to $1500
    • approx 2% >$1500
    We still need more members to vote so the data truly represents the resources of our community of members. But... along the lines of what Bruce alluded to... I would caution against "voting low just to try to drive the cost down" ... if you do that there's a real possibility it will affect whether there's a convention at all.

    So please vote what you can honestly justify spending.

  8. #18
    eager beginner ijerry's Avatar
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    Looks like the poll is closed, but it would depend on cost to an extent. $600-$1000 depending on what was at the convention. Any money spent on a convention is money not used for razors! At any rate, if the convention price of admission came with discounts for the vendors at the convention or there were some types of classes or something it could really make it worthwhile. It would probably be best to decide on a convention location most central to the majority of the members, or a location close to an international airport where airfare would be competitively priced. A discount on room rates could also be established for members from SRP.

    Just some thoughts.

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