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  1. #1
    SIB is offline
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    Default Just when you think everything is under control....

    Yesterday i was shaving at night , enjoying my little ritual, i have been succesfully shaving without irritation and bbs with the straight for a few months now....i guess i got to confident , i started talking to my wife ( she was outside the bathroom) and started to get distracted ...i was doing a second pass going sidewayswest to east in my left cheek, like usually she was talking nonsense that got me upset and i (when i get emotionall i do a lot of the talking with my hands..) slice myself north to south shyless....the moment i felt the blade inside my face i realized what i had ...this is going to be a pretty scar...3 inch long....
    I knew i could never disrespect the blade this way....its like it has matter how long this affair has been going on...if "she" feels you have your mind somewhere else...she gets jealous and bites you....
    I think this is the way to learn...
    I knew that i needed more attention to strop when i sliced in half a hopefully i learned this one as well.
    Thanks for being there.

  2. #2
    Senior Member, Moderator floridaboy's Avatar
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    Or feels neglect I have a razor that if you haven't used her in awhile, she lets you know how she feels.


  3. #3
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    I had a similar experence on str8 shave #16 , except no one was distracting me . My problem was overconfidence . I was shaving with a 5/8 spike point razor I've named ol' facecutter , for the longest time , every time I shaved with it I got nicked or cut . So I was shaving away , giong pretty fast , thinking how easy shaving with a str8 was getting . Then the razor got stuck ... in my upper cheek , lots of blood , took a while to get it to stop . When the bleeding slowed down I resumed shaving and promptly gave myself a similar cut on my jawline . I wimped out and finished shaving with a 3 blade disposeable . The next time I shaved with ol' facecutter my hands were almost shaking , I sucked it up and put the blade to my face and shaved with it . The shave went fairly well , to say I was paying close attention to what I was doing would be an understatement . 4 months later , ol'facecutter is being pretty nice to me , but I ain't letting my guard down .

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Yah, I hear this happens to the oldest of old timers - when someone gets too cocky a lesson in respect is usually received, sooner or later

    I've pulled off good shaves talking to my wife or kids but this doesn't mean that I'll be as lucky the next time. I don't plan to get distracted of course...

    Once I remember my wife decided to use the bathroom for make-up while I was shaving before going out, because the kids were in the other bathroom - and she actually bumped into me... SHeesh, I got away unscathed but the potential was there big time


  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Every time I've cut myself shaving its been either because I wasn't concentrating on what I was doing or my wife slammed the closet door into me while I was at the sink.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    Break Room Regional VP ohlookaneagle's Avatar
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    Coat the cut with a little Vaseline, that will help reduce scaring. It keeps the cut from drying out and prevents a hard scab from forming. Unless, of course, it required medical attention; in which case, do whatever the doc said...

    - Michael

  7. #7
    Senior Member WireBeard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave5225 View Post
    I had a similar experence on str8 shave #16 , except no one was distracting me . My problem was overconfidence . I was shaving with a 5/8 spike point razor I've named ol' facecutter , for the longest time , every time I shaved with it I got nicked or cut . So I was shaving away , giong pretty fast , thinking how easy shaving with a str8 was getting . Then the razor got stuck ... in my upper cheek , lots of blood , took a while to get it to stop . When the bleeding slowed down I resumed shaving and promptly gave myself a similar cut on my jawline . I wimped out and finished shaving with a 3 blade disposeable . The next time I shaved with ol' facecutter my hands were almost shaking , I sucked it up and put the blade to my face and shaved with it . The shave went fairly well , to say I was paying close attention to what I was doing would be an understatement . 4 months later , ol'facecutter is being pretty nice to me , but I ain't letting my guard down .
    You know what it is? Your razor demanded a blood sacrifice!


  8. #8
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by WireBeard View Post
    You know what it is? Your razor demanded a blood sacrifice!

    The old Japan used to say never put a blade back in its scabbard without drawing blood first!
    Maybe its reincarnated steel from some long dead samurai!?

  9. #9
    Always falling jimmyman's Avatar
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    I have a nice one inch scar on my neck that took about 15 minutes to stop bleeding. That was a bad day. Scar probably won't ever go away.

  10. #10
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WireBeard View Post
    You know what it is? Your razor demanded a blood sacrifice!

    It sure got it .

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