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Thread: Safety vs Straight

  1. #21
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    After some more thought on this subject...
    I do find I can get the exact same shave with a DE or SE as I do with a Straight, EXCEPT... I do have one spot on my neck on only one side that I can only get BBS if I use a smaller blade like a DE or SE as with the Straight I can't get into the hollow as well. So IMO, if you cant get a BBS with a DE as a straight then you just need more practice with whatever razor you're using other than a straight. And learning what blade works best for you.
    Also, As Best for you could be leaning towards smoother and not as keen. Then it's your fault. LOL. The Feather Blade in a DE does wonders. It just doesn't last long IMO.

    My 2 cents worth.
    I don't disagree Jerry, and thanks to the large selection of blades you generously sent me, I decided Nacet's were my favourite. Their not as sharp as the feathers but there pretty close I think, smoother and let less blood, imho of course.

    I do get a real close shave, I feel BBS.

    The reason I have hesitated to say I get BBS with a DE and say not as close as a straight is not because I can tell the difference in the immediate shave, they both feel the same but that the straight shave lasts longer than the DE one does so I assume that the straight must shave closer.

    On a side note, I don't know why they call them saftey razors. I have cut my finger changing the razor blades more often than I ever cut myself on a straight.

    It's probably because i hold the ends of the razor while i unscrew the handle and obviously the blades stick out the ends a little.
    Last edited by STF; 02-19-2022 at 12:31 PM.
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  2. #22
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Ive read others saying that they can go more days without shaving after a straight. This to me seems odd as I still have to shave every day no mater what razor i used. Lol.

    After you get better with a DE I recommend going back to the Feather blade. Its a great blade but you must be good with the DE or it will not be good for you.
    Glad your learning and found what works well for now.
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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  3. #23
    Senior Member Slur's Avatar
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    My case is a bit weird. Safety razors are more aggressive to my skin, whatever blade I use, and they irritated me a lot. This doesn't happen with my straights. I usually finish my straight shave with an after shave splash. After a safety razor shave, splash is not enough, I need to use a balsam as well.
    When I said that some years ago in a similar discussion in another shaving forum, I received ironic comments and they seemed they didn't believe me.
    If I travel and I have with me only a safety razor, I only shave with the grain and not against, in order to avoid skin irritation, burning and micro-bleeding.
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  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth evnpar's Avatar
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    I still have my first DE, a Gillette Slim that I purchased new in 1962 for $1.95, and it still shaves great. I shaved exclusively with a straight for ten years until the pandemic hit, causing an increase in the hours I had to work, leaving less time in the morning. For the past year and a half, I've used a Paradigm Titanium SE on the morings that I'm rushed for time, and a straight when I have the time to enjoy a shave. I get a slightly closer shave with a straight. I use an SE because I have to shave, and a straight for pure bliss.

  5. #25
    STF is offline
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    I used my Rockwell 6c safety razor again this morning, with a new Nacet blade.

    I wanted to feel what an aggressive shave was like so I put it on #6.

    I am really impressed, it wasn't uncomfortable but i could feel the edge well as I shaved.

    I always put a fresh blade in the DE when I decide to use it and then continue with it until the blade is done before putting it away and carrying on with my straight again.

    I did my usual 4 passes, wtg, across, atg and a final pass wtg on my face and horizontally across my neck.

    This was the best shave I've had from a DE and I think I'm going to be using #6 from now on.

    My next DE razor will be either the Muhle R41, the Above The Tie H1 or Fatip Grande I reckon because i think I'm going to like fierce razors.
    - - Steve

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  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Now you got it Steve.

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  7. #27
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Now put a feather in it.
    Agressiveness is only bad when your abilities are lacking.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  8. #28
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    Now put a feather in it.
    Agressiveness is only bad when your abilities are lacking.
    Well, I don't know about that. There are some razors that are really brutal no matter what blade you use and how much experience you have.

    The first time I used the original R-41 I quickly wished I was using a straight. That was the first time I ever nicked my face up with a DE and had serious razor burn.

    There are some DEs and SEs that require more finesse and some that personally I just avoid.
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  9. #29
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    I do agree with that. I should have said it differently. With the razor he has a feather works great.
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  10. #30
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gasman View Post
    I do agree with that. I should have said it differently. With the razor he has a feather works great.
    I have some Feathers still so I'll give them another try.
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    - - Steve

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