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  1. #1
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    Default Straight Razor Gift Set

    Hi all,

    I'm getting married next month, and I'm looking for a gift for my best man. I know that he enjoys barbershop shaves, so I'm thinking of buying him a straight razor and a few essential accessories: a decent quality pre-honed razor, a badger brush, a strop, and some soap or cream. Any specific recommendations for this?

    For the razor, I was thinking about getting something like this, with the honed-by-Lynn option:

    Since I'm not planning to buy him a hone, I'm leaning towards a pasted paddle strop, so he can maintain his razor longer. I recently bought a 2-sided paddle strop (with .5 micron diamond paste) from Tony M., and I'm thinking of buying another for my friend.

    One possibly important factor is that my friend currently lives in Beijing, so I'm not sure if how easy it would be for him to obtain additional accessories until he returns to the U.S. next year.

    If you were putting together a gift set like this, what would you include? My budget for this is around $200.

    Thanks for any suggestions!


  2. #2
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    need a second best man?

    the razor looks like a very nice choice. I am not qualified to recommend anything, but aren't there 'chinese honing stones' that people use? You probably want to talk to Tony - he will tell you what's most appropriate, and may even tweak something to fit the situation better.

    Congratulations on getting married!

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    You're certainly on the right path. The razor is usually the star of the show, but you could get a slightly less expensive carbon steel razor- I don't think anyone here would suggest that SS razors are better than CS.

    Tony sells a kit with both a paddle and a hanging strop. The Crabtree and Evelyn Best Badger at $35 has always been mentioned as a good value brush. For soap, Colleen's at TGQ or Mama Bear's are hard to beat. I think that would put you just over your budget, but your buddy wouldn't need much for a number of months....

    Others may have better advice, so sit tight.


  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by jnich67 View Post
    I don't think anyone here would suggest that SS razors are better than CS.
    The reason I was looking at a stainless blade was that it should hold an edge longer, which would probably be good for a new shaver. I'll check out some of the carbon steel blades, too.

  5. #5
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    You might already have planned this, but I think showing him how to strop, maintain the razor, and lather would be good ideas (if he doesn't know how to do these things), and directing him to this site for questions!

  6. #6
    Senior Member kbuzbee's Avatar
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    IMHO - the BEST thing you could include would be a copy of Lynn's DVD. So much great information in there. It will start him on the right foot more than any other peice of gear. Knowledge is definately power - as they say.

    (Good choice in razor though I'm partial to TIs)

    ... and Congratulations!


  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    First congratulations on getting married.

    second, and I know you said he enjoys barbershop shaves but I don't think I would buy someone a straight unless I knew for sure he would be using it. If he has never used one its a long roadwith learning to use it and honing and stopping. If he wet shaves maybe just a nice brush and a nice personalized mug and some nice english soap like trumpers.

    Just something to think about
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  8. #8
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    I agree with thebigspedur on this one. Several fellows I know love getting shaves but ouldn't think of doing it themselves.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    ...maybe just a nice brush and a nice personalized mug and some nice english soap like trumpers.
    +1 This may be a good way to go, as learning to use a str8 is very different than enjoying a professional barbershop shave. Just my 2 cents...

    - Ken -

  10. #10
    Still Keeping the Cheese
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    Default OR...

    You could look at it this way though, get him the straight razor and the package, and shame him into not using it or trying it - and have the satisfaction of beginning his RAD or BAD or whatever...The 200 you would spend on the gift would pay for itself x5 in good stories when you give him a hard time about how much money your little gift cost him in the RAD AND blood

    I don't know, if someone had given ME a gift like that as a best man, I would try it - and if not NOW, then I would put it away and definitely would have picked it up later in life. I think it is a good, manly gift, I approve.


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