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  1. #1
    out of bounds Mr.Sheep's Avatar
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    Default Throat-cutter court...

    Introduce oneself at Throat-cutter court: the Prosecutor are one's face, the brain act as Judge, the SRP-forum serve on a jury and my competence face a charge.

    Not so... long time ago...
    Well, I usually shave in the early morning at weekdays , more time and not so early in the morning are spent by me at the weekend shave-ritual. The Prosecutor keep on telling he feel more comfortable after the shave at weekends (it is good if you got him as a pal, -no joke!), the lawyer (starring by the undersigned) defending he's client as a more relaxed, spending more time in the shower and as not so newly awakened during leisure in the weekends, the jury on the other hand pointing out a lot of trick, suggestions, facts, informations and skills acquired by different persons through experiences or educations (theoretical or practical) one or two jokes etc.

    How to be a better shaver at weekdays!

    This was my biggest quest when entering the SRP about 5 month ago.
    I have been a str8razor fan for a long time (recalling: cutting my left ear badly in the beginning of using one of those marvelously tools about 24 years ago... (by the way, you can see this on the avatar) jeepers-creepers! -time moves fast.)

    Before I'm ramble on I have to confess: my english spelling and to put together a set of words that is complete in itself... ahh! -sentence, is not too good... feel free to yawn one's head off, cry, laugh or even to rebuke me.

    Yeah! I had fiddle around... But I can tell you all, that equipment not worthy to mention in a place like this is no longer in my travel-bag neither in my summer cottage.

    Hello! Straight Shavers and Gentlemen,

    Not to long time ago in another thread I was paying tribute to Lynn & co. for this forums existence. Now I feel to do the same to you all (well, maybe not you and... y -STOP!)
    Why do I have to salute you? This forum have made me even more fanatic than before and if talking about the costs... -ma-ma, mia! But it's fun and I can see an improvement of razor-sharpness, earlier I wasn't in the same neighborhood or even near to. Now I have a fantastic weekday shaving! Maybe it sounds silly but for me this is a consequence of this forum and you guys, because this is a hell of a fun place to be at, and I found it easy to receive a lot of good-to-know stuff! Thank you! Not mention more about honing equipment and what I have been told/informed (I'v stolen from you in silence) here at SRP. Were did I catch up about an in a high degree nice shaving-soap (Colleen) and also something else that you can't buy in Sweden, -Bay Rum (yummy). Yes, here at SRP!

    Cheers! /stefan

    Last edited by Mr.Sheep; 09-10-2007 at 12:10 AM.

  2. #2
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Norf Lahndon, innit?
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    Sounds like you're enjoying the journey, stefan!

    I have come across similar issues about how to be a better shaver at weekdays. Why not try shaving in the evenings instead? I find that I can take my time in the evenings (no schedule or new day to rush into) and therefore can focus on getting a much closer shave. BBS every time!

    Assuming, of course, that your beard growth isn't too heavy.

    P.S. Do robots dream of electric sheep?

  3. #3
    out of bounds Mr.Sheep's Avatar
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    Yeah I do enjoy, -that's for sure.

    If ignoring the aerodynamic sensation in the early morning breeze
    you do have a point there about evening Pogonotomy.

    Feel smooth!


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