Hi there!

Well... I'm a newbie and I must say it's a wonderful ideia. I think it just might be interesting to try out something like that. I supose there are not many magazines such as the one you are thinking about and it would, for sure, be helpful.

The existence of this site, as far as I'm concerned, is a tremendous breakthrough... And a magazine would be another one!

People (like all of us here) who shave with a straight razor can resort to the people who use and post on this site; we can ask questions and say our thought on the matter. And we can (newbies or not...) rest asure that our questions will be answered. Because we are recovering a lost art... Honestly... Who was the last person in your own family who shaved with a straight? And may I be blunt, friends, that person is
a) too old to give advide,
b) dead or
c) dead for such a long time that neither the eldest of us have met such a person...
The result is obvious... we have nobody to resort to; it's impossible to, from the bathroom, your face covered in blood and lather, cry out "Daddy!!!". I know that, if I did, my Dad would come along, faint and stay out cold for hours! And then he would buy me a Mach3...
Having said that, I say that this site is each and everyone of us's "Daddy!" If not... nevermind me... I am foolish and young!

So... returning to the main topic... yes! I think the magazine would be a terrific idea. It would be some sort of extension of the site, I guess. And I am quite sure that a lot of things could be written thinking both of newbies (eg. how to choose the first staight razor? which strop? how to and why? Introduction to wet shaving?...) and experienced users (eg. oil stones vs. water stones? how to restore a beat up razor?)... I don't know. But I am enthusiastic with the idea!

I say... go for it!