We quite often cover serious topics here on the SRP, So I thought A game for fun might bring a bit of freshness. This game is a sort of true / false game. Here is how the game is played. I will start the game off with an interesting statement. The statement will begin with the phrase " the person who follows me (does, or is, or whatever)" Then the next person to post will say whether the statement is true or false and why (extra info is optional). Then they get to post the statement for the next person. Anyway this is all in fun, so lets give it a try.

Here's an example:
The person who follows me shaves with a rusty razor because he read somewhere that thats how the pirates did it!

True: thats the way Morgan lefty did it till he died of lockjaw.

the person who follows me shaves their chest once a week!

Ok so now that you see how the game is played lets try it! I will start you off!

The person who follows me was taught to use a straight razor by watching their grandmother shave.