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Thread: Stupid customs

  1. #11
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Too bad on customs Chady but it's good to see that you got the dough to buy such a razor package ---- keep on keeping on.


  2. #12
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    This was the item(s) in question. Going to pick it up tomorrow if I have time otherwise I will have to postpone shaving with it till monday.
    I was envious of all the people who got in on the Livi action and wanted to taste it as well =)

  3. #13
    Captain Blood bj64's Avatar
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    Wow, that is nice!

  4. #14
    Senior Member rickypr's Avatar
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    Mastro Livi...oh well..


  5. #15
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, as a retired Custom's Agent I will tell you that no matter the country everything that Custom's Services do is found in your national laws. So you can look it up in the book. If your lucky enough to get away with something a few times don't assume thats the way it is.Eventually you will get nailed. Some countries are worse than others. The U.S really isn't bad compared to Canada and England. They try and extract every dime out of their citizens. Oh and putting gift and old parts and all that on your custom's dec, forget it Customs inspectors know all the tricks and laugh their As*es of at some of the things people try and do to get out of paying duty. My favorite thing was getting people coming into the U.S with a nice new Rolex on their wrists which they bought in another country and is illegal to bring into the U.S We would take it right off their wrists and confiscate it.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #16
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Why is it illegal to bring a Rolex in? Or do you just mean undeclared?

  7. #17
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    That's pretty rough, Chady. Out of curiosity, why did you decide to buy through Classic and not direct from Maestro Livi? You wouldn't have been stung with taxes (being in the EU) and you'd have paid no exchange rate costs since its all Euros in Italy and Denmark?

  8. #18
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    I have one on order already actually, or rather I'm trying to get in touch through Lynn, but haven't heard anything yet.

    Anyhoo, classic was where I first found out about his razors (actually classic was the first place period I fell upon when I started staight-browsing) and that set had been taunting me since I first laid eyes on it, You never forget your first love and all that stuff.
    They had it physically in stock to boot so there would be no wait.

    Ps. We use Danish crowns still in Denmark but thats a non-issue.

    Edit. Picked the set up and tried out the brush + razor, and I have to say that I love both of them. The strop has a leather and canvas side, canvas being pasted with something green. I'm assuming its somewhat like, if not actually, chromium oxide. There was an extra green glob in the box for the strop, about the size of a cue tip.
    Last edited by Chady; 04-05-2008 at 02:54 PM.

  9. #19
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wildtim View Post
    Why is it illegal to bring a Rolex in? Or do you just mean undeclared?
    Nope totally illegal. It a long story but basically you are not allowed to bring counterfeit or copyrighted articales into the U.S unless its genuine stuff. Now when Rolex S.A set up Rolex USA they did it as a subsidary of its case making operation which is not legally part of Rolex therefore Rolex USA is not legally part of Rolex SA so when you are bringing in a Rolex to the U.S from outside the U.S its like bringing a copy of a copyrighted object and that is illegal. It may be stupid and a technicality but Customs is forced to enforce it. As a practical matter if you declare it they will tell you, you can't bring it in and suggest you bring in a package and ship it back to the seller. If you don't declare it and they suspect its new and find a watch box and papers in the luggage or check the serial number and it will tell them when it was manufactured and where it was sold they will confiscate it. So the moral is if you do buy it ship the box back to the U.S and put some dirt or scratches on it so as to not draw attention to it.The only exception is if you are in the military and you buy in the px overseas you can bring in 2 Rolex watches in your lifetime.
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  10. #20
    Close and Comfortable Jfala's Avatar
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    This may be an obviously ignorant question, but a Rolex purchased in the US is from the Rolex subsidiary? And, what if you are returning to the US with a US purchased Rolex? Would Customs just run the serial number?

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