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04-07-2008, 11:38 AM #1
Guns,Knives and razors in Fort Lauderdale
I make some custom grips for 1911 pistols,and ColtSAA,and a few other pistols,I have a friend from Vegas who buys a lot of them from me,and travels around to gun shows and sells them(he also sells higher end collectable pistols,and collectable knives)For some time he has been pestering me to supply him some razors to try in the shows.I was reluctant to do this,as you know a lot of these gunshow attendees just want to pick stuff up and fondle it(not a good idea with a honed razor)He solved that problem with a no touch policy /razors all in a display case etc.So I sent him 9 razors last week(really expensive ones)There was a gun show in Fort Lauderdale Fla over the week end,and since I had to be in Miami on business today,I came early to check out the show.I went over on Sunday morning,and Jimmy tells me all the razors sold in the first couple of hours on Saturday .These were all quality razors in the $800/1200 range(his retail prices)He had all the buyers fill out my warranty forms,so I have their e mail addresses,and I am going to contact a few to see if they are going to shave with these or just bought them as collectables.Anyway my point (if there is one )is that razors/guns/knives/swords,and good looking young women seem to go together
and if you want to sell a lot of quality razors this may be a good venue.I know there arent enough vintage razors to go around right now,but if you ever find yourself with some extras I'll put you in touch with Jimmy(by the way he hasn't paid me yet).I was hoping I might see some of you there,as I was sure a razor guy would identify himself as an SRP member,and I think a few of you live in this area but I wasnt there long.Guess Ill have to go to Vegas when I finish up here to collect from Jimmy ,and lose it all at the Blackjack tables,or those other places Vegas is known for (What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas/I think they mean your money) ,My best Regards GaryLast edited by Traveller; 04-07-2008 at 12:22 PM.
04-07-2008, 12:43 PM #2
Gary, we can use the money. Thanks for soon paying down some of the State short fall of money.
04-07-2008, 12:53 PM #3
Mark,I love the place,but can only stay there like for 3 days at a time(my doctor says that in my weakend condition taking viagra for more than 3 sucessive days could kill me)I didnt know you guys were in dire straits,so I'll do all I can to help(involuntarily) Best Regards Gary
04-07-2008, 12:53 PM #4
Congrats Gary on thinking of a new market for this hobby.
We just might start a trend of clean shaven deer campsif a few more guys get razors onto dealer tables.
I would offer a flyer telling something about straight razors and where to find detailed usage information with thesae types of sales though. I hate the thought of one of your best being used as a cigar cutter out on some golf course somewhere by a guy with more money than brains.
04-07-2008, 01:11 PM #5
Or using them to rob the 7-11...Speaking of which llet me tell you this true story.I have a friend in South Cariolina that I shoot live pidgeon competitions with,we were at a shoot some place,and his Purdy shot gun gets stolen out of his truck(this Gun is worth around $130,000) A few months later the police call to say they have recoverd the gun from some soul brother who was using it to stick up a 7-11 He went down to identify the gun ,and they had hacksawed the barrels off,and the stock like 80,000 damage
04-07-2008, 01:15 PM #6
That should be a death penalty crime. I would twist the knife a little by sending that schmuck a letter in prison telling him the value of the gun he had in his possession. make him feel like a complete dipsh!t.
I hope the civil suite for damage to an art treasure is going well.
04-08-2008, 03:53 AM #7