View Poll Results: Why did you start using a straight?

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  • You like the 'old timey' aspect

    31 29.81%
  • You father used one

    4 3.85%
  • You prefer the type of shave it provides

    24 23.08%
  • Save money

    6 5.77%
  • You don't like the disposable razors

    11 10.58%
  • Other (of course, include in your post)

    28 26.92%
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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Question Why did you start using a straight razor?

    There's probably a thread about this, but I couldn't find one in search, so here it is. Why do you use a straight/decide to start using a straight?

  2. #2
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    some are going to have multiple answers. i havent started but i like the old fashioned aspect of it, save money, its badass and intimidating. sets the men apart from the boys. my friend just mentioned today that he's terrified of straight razors. im sure once i get used to it, i will add that i prefer the shave it gives but thats going to take me a long time before i can say that. I get good shaves with the M3 turbo but i want to switch to the str8 for the reasons mentioned.

  3. #3
    I'm a Shaaarrrk! Chady's Avatar
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    The girls

  4. #4
    Torchwood 4 Ockham's Avatar
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    I was interested to find a way to have a confortable shave AND avoid razor burns... I found it

  5. #5
    Sass Monster LilithParker's Avatar
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    Other: so I can shave my sweetie, and... 'cause it's sexy.

  6. #6
    Senior Member matt's Avatar
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    My shaves tend to last a few hours longer than a shave from a DE. Lots longer than a cartridge. I think its actually easier once you learn how to do it to get a good shave from a straight than a de or cartridge razor. Plus it feels and looks cool. You get to play around with all of the different soaps and brushes and shave like your grandfather and great grandfather shaved years ago.

  7. #7
    Beaker bevansmw's Avatar
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    Suppose I made a quantum leap in shaving, I was using an electric razor prior to using the straight. I had a braun one, with the self cleaning stand and it was the best electric that I used up to that point, got so close I even had it nick me once or twice. Before that I had a different electric which I still have and the blade on it lasted a year before I replaced it with a new cutter head and foil and then eventually with the braun. I was getting a few ingrown hairs on my jaw line now and then with the electric, and it'd miss hairs sometimes and I'd have to try different things to get those whiskers it missed into the little foil to get cut, usually a lot of pressure.

    It was on a watch at work that I was fumbling about on the internet looking at straight razors and ended up finding this, which brings me to ask does the guy that wrote that pdf hang around here on SRP? Think it's Christopher Moss. If so feel free to say something. Well I thought why not, no ingrown hairs, a closer shave hmm... maybe it's worth a shot.

    So I switched back to the newest cartridge type, with 5 blades I think the quattro for about a week or so before my first straight arrived from classic shaving honed by Lynn and ready to shave with, I've been shaving with a straight since, I've also found that on just two passes I can shave before I go to sleep and still have a better shave than the guys I work with by the end of the next workday. I started giving some of them a hard time, asking them if they shaved as you can see a ton of stubble on their faces when they first come in in the morning or by the end of watch.

    Planning on selling the electric soon, I just want to buy a replacement cutterhead and foil to sell with it when I do sell it, it's still pretty much brand new. I thought about posting it in the BST for giggles wonder how that'd go over

    I read some other posts elsewhere where people recommended using a DE or something for a while prior to the straight, I didn't have much trouble going from electric to straight, though I did get some crazy razor burn the first handful of times using it.
    Last edited by bevansmw; 05-21-2008 at 10:38 AM.

  8. #8
    < Banned User >
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    I started with a straight because I like blades of all sorts.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    Because its cool!...among other reasons


  10. #10
    Face nicker RichZ's Avatar
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    Got my first str8 shave by a barber at 50. Was sold from then on.

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