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  1. #11
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    My wife just laughs

  2. #12
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    I have a small spot on top of my feet where the hair gets caught in my socks and pulls, so my feet are kept hair free... It's only about 6 hairs, but it still counts I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by LilithParker View Post
    Yes, I shave my legs.
    We kind of expected you ta claim that, but without pictures I'm not sure I'll believe it.

  3. #13
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    umm...yeah...ok i admit it...when i first got my straight razor i pretty much went shave crazy. I shaved my left leg, my left arm, my right leg, my right arm, my toes, fingers, feet and hands...then my face...HAHAHA It is good to know i'm not the only one

  4. #14
    Senior Member RetroGrouch's Avatar
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    Dang, I did it again last night. Now I'm bare around the knees.

    I think I have a problem. Really must get control over this obsession...

  5. #15
    Member BigMallard's Avatar
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    I do it, and I admit it. First it was my face,then my chest, then my legs, now my head. I've gone shave crazy with the straight. I have to admit that I do not like the shave a straight gives to my head, so I'll keep doing it with a DE. I cut myself less on the legs with a straight, unless I've got redbugs. I still have to do the armpits with a DE, as I haven't found a short enough straight to use.

    I compete in No-Gi Submission Grappling, so the less hair I have, the slicker I am(or so it seems). Now its all become ritual. I shave my face every day and my head, legs, etc on Tuesday and Fridays. It just looks cleaner, and because I work as a butcher, the blood sticking the hair to my skin gets annoying.

    And no, I'm not metro-sexual, just for the record.

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