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  1. #1
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    Default Just like riding a bike

    I had a full beard for 9 months (a winter thing) and had a barber shave it off over Memorial Day weekend. Not the normal shop I go to, but my barber doesn't give shaves. This barber uses a shavette. I told the 70+ year old barber that prior to growing my beard, I used a str8. He was amazed and told me that I should go back to trying disposable razors again because they give a guy the same -- if not better shave as a str8. I told him that I would continue using my str8 razors because I really like the shave I get from them plus just like using them. He told me that he has a least 40 str8s somewhere around that he should sell. I told him that I would be interested in seeing them especially if any are 6/8's or larger. The shave was okay, but nothing great. I get closer shaves when I shaved myself.

    Since Memorial Day I've been maintaining stubble because I felt like I needed some sort of facial hair after not seeing that much skin for 9 months. Those of you who have ever had a beard can probably relate. Anyway, last night was the first time I used a str8 in close to 10 months. Not one nick and the shave was great! Looking forward to dusting off my other str8s and going back to using them on a full-time basis again. Glad I didn't lose my touch and happy to be using my str8 again! IMO, a str8 is the best razor there is.

  2. #2
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    A warm welcome back to the dark side.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Not like this I hope

    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  4. #4
    Junior Member Alucard's Avatar
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    So what happens with the 40+ str8 for sale ?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Thanks, Black Beard. Glad to be back!

    Slant-Fan -- Nope, not like that. If it was that dangerous, I would find some other razor.

    Alucard -- I haven't called that barber back yet. Probably should soon though. He's definitely not getting any under. Probably the oldest barber I've ever been to and I actually trusted him to give me a shave and a haircut!

  6. #6
    Senior Member edekalil's Avatar
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    I here ya, I have been using a DE at work for the last eight months for the most part but still break out the Straight every so often at the house. But this next two weeks I plan to use just the straights I have. As well as use some of the different soaps and creams and brushes I've gone nut's buying while I have the time.


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