View Poll Results: Does one have to pay in blood to play with straight razors?

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  • Nicks and cuts are my cup of tea...

    3 4.55%
  • Some blood every now and then...

    34 51.52%
  • Maybe once every other month, twice a year...

    19 28.79%
  • Never. Not anymore, anyway...

    6 9.09%
  • Never. Not even when I was first learning...

    4 6.06%
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  1. #11
    Stubble Slayer
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    My worst cut was ATG, just under my adams apple. I yelled for the dog to shut up during a mailman induced barking fit. Had a nice horizontal red scab, like someone tried to slice my throat, for awhile.

  2. #12
    Velo Shaver Cyclophile's Avatar
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    I've gotten to where I can whip through my face pretty well with one ATG pass and then a couple XTG at one or two problem spots (multi-directional growth)... achieving a BBS..

    My head is a different story... I can get a pretty decent BBS now ..with few misses now that I have figured out the right angle for my head (different than for my face) but when I go back for follow up on problem spots that need a second pass, that's when I nick.. and mainly on the right side of my head. I don't seem to have the problem on my left.

    I may consider switching hands when I switch sides. What sucks is that I can go a couple of shaves without nicking but the wounds remain for a week and then are joined by new fresh ones.

    When folks ask what happened, I tell them (and I bicycle to work, btw) that I did not have time for a shower, so I took off my helmet and pedaled through the car wash down the street.. and MAN! those bristles on the scrubbie brushes really hurt...

    ....and I do NOT recommend paying the extra coin for the undercarriage spray!!
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  3. #13
    Member artilleryo's Avatar
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    I've done one good slice on my face next to my mouth. But honestly, I have enough scars on my face that it gets lost in the noise.

    And it wasn't bad enough that I was removing skin. I just put the edge down a little too hard.

  4. #14
    Senior Member sinnfein's Avatar
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    my 'best" one is one i got going atg on my chin, bled like crazy i never though it would stop but it did leave a cool indiana jones type scar on my chin but doesnt stand out quite as much hmmmm maybe i should cut it again till it does. i also had two on my upper lip, i got those two at the same time,, the blade skipped and kind of bounced leaving two perfectly parrallel red line on my lip

  5. #15
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Once in a great while I'll have one whisker made of steel wire, The blade will glide ever so smoothly and then it hits the steel wire goes perpindicular to the face and digs in.

  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    I have a couple of weepers every day, nothing serious, hardly ever need a sticky plaster on them and almost all are dry withinn quarter of an hour.
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by wopmanfixit View Post
    I haven't nicked or cut myself in a long time. Now having said that I'll probably cut the crap out of myself tomorrow morning.

    Yep, you jinxed yourself....... bad And, for that reason I'm not saying how I'm doing!!!


  8. #18
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    Great stuff, guys!

    I hardly ever nick or cut myself now.

    I started with a Shavette, though, and that was bad. I wish I had started with a real straight razor.

    The machined blade on the Shavette was not forgiving. It cut me so bad one time that I still, two years later, can find the scar.

    That was when I switched. The good thing about the Shavette was that I learned to be very, very precise, so that means I rarely ever cut or nick myself now.

    It's only like in the dog barking case above, where some distraction or utter carelessness gets in the way.

    Man, I love straight razor shaving. It took the curse of having to shave and made it my sanctuary.


  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by sinnfein View Post
    my 'best" one is one i got going atg on my chin, bled like crazy i never though it would stop but it did leave a cool indiana jones type scar on my chin but doesnt stand out quite as much hmmmm maybe i should cut it again till it does. i also had two on my upper lip, i got those two at the same time,, the blade skipped and kind of bounced leaving two perfectly parrallel red line on my lip
    He he! I've got a small but heavy 3/4 inch scar on the right side of my chin. I'd love to say I got it duelling, but I didn't. I fell off a round-a-bout when I was about 11 !!!
    But on a more possitive note, did I go to the hospital to get it stitched? Did I hell, The Parkkeeper stuck it together for me with some tape. I then went on the swings.
    Last edited by littlesilverbladefromwale; 06-21-2008 at 08:21 AM.

  10. #20
    < Banned User > Blade Wielder's Avatar
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    I clicked that "twice a year...maybe" one.

    I've never given myself a gushing cut... just a few nicks early on. Cold water repaired them.

    Once or twice a year I'll be speeding through a shave and place the razor a little too quickly and get a little nick. But they're few and far between.

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