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  1. #1
    Member Tink's Avatar
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    Default how should a 'proffesional' shave feel?

    hello guys (and girls ). while being re-measured for my kilt for my wedding today (3 weeks exactly!), i noticed a leaflet on the table for a mens pampering/grooming place not too far from where i live that offers 'traditional' wetshaves, hot towels, straights, yada yada yada, looks really nice, and i'm really tempted to go for one for my wedding, but obviously i'd need to go before hand to make sure i didnt react badly to anything they used (they offer a gillete fusion for the sensitive skin... ) but what sort of thing should i be expecting? obviously, hopefully BBS, a DFS at the very least, but what else?

    they say that it takes around 45 minutes to do, what should i expect, what have YOUR experiences of 'professional' shaves been like?

    (for those that are interested, its Truman's, on Elm Street, Norwich, Norfolk, UK. not that anybody else lives in my neck of the woods, but hey )

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Based upon all the experiences I've read about here and at B&B if you walk out of the shop without cuts and not being in pain your ahead of the game. The fact is there are precious few "barbers" out there competent to give a shave. Most use disposable safety razors and fewer still shavettes. In most places straights are illegal to use for health concerns. If you have someone nearby who is truly competent you are the luckiest guy in the world and should run out and buy a lottery ticket.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Tink, I've had some good shaves in the UK, but as BS points out, it's very hit and miss. One thing: do NOT expect a BBS. Barbers here on the whole will err on the side of caution. They do not want customers leaving with any kind of irritation, no matter how minor. They tend to use a feather/shavette (I have yet to come across any who use a proper straight) and they will go very softly, always WTG and soetimes XTG but never ATG. Hence BBS is unlikely. It can still, however, be a very smooth shave.

    Last time I went for a shave at T&H in London I 'suggested' that it would be acceptable to me for the barber to go ATG... he still didn't!

    As for the experience, at 45 mins there should of course be hot (scented) towel treatment, some sort of pre-shave oil or similar being massaged gently into the skin, proper lather being made and applied with brush, and post-shave cream or moisturiser. I can't imagine why it would take so long, so maybe they have some other luxury treatments involved?

    Let us know how it goes. (Both the shave and the big day of course!)

  4. #4
    Mint loving graphical comedian sidneykidney's Avatar
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    Firstly and most importantly- CONGRATULATIONS Tink! And good luck for the ig day!

    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    They tend to use a feather/shavette (I have yet to come across any who use a proper straight)
    I think thats because in the UK its against some law or other to use what you and I would consider a 'proper' straight for the purpose. Likely its down to health and safety regulations. I'll look into that, but when I asked my barber (who does such shaves using a shavette) he said that was why.

    Quote Originally Posted by majurey View Post
    As for the experience, at 45 mins there should of course be hot (scented) towel treatment, some sort of pre-shave oil or similar being massaged gently into the skin, proper lather being made and applied with brush, and post-shave cream or moisturiser. I can't imagine why it would take so long, so maybe they have some other luxury treatments involved.
    My shaves usually take over 30 minutes. But I like to take my time and do all the pre and post shave work. For the money i'd expect that.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    I would give them a test run or two before letting them shave you on an important day. As has been said. Its hit or miss.


  6. #6
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    how should a shave by a truly consumate barber feel?

    it shouldn't. a really good barber will shave you with a straight and you literally will not be able to feel anything but the tiniest whisper of the blade. I have only experienced this a few times, from a barber who had been born in the late 1800s and is now dead, and it was long enough ago that it was with a real straight and not a razorblade holder. it has spoiled me forever. I have yet to find a modern barber who compares. I certainly haven't been able to manage this myself, although my quest to match his shaves is a worthy one and I get closer every day.
    Last edited by jockeys; 11-02-2008 at 05:17 PM.

  7. #7
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    I think your shave will be just excellent.

    Relax and enjoy it.

  8. #8
    Member Tink's Avatar
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    well the shave is only £15, so i'm going to go for it. I'll report back once i've had it and let you know what they used, what it was like, etc etc etc

  9. #9
    Bladed Valkyrie Silver's Avatar
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    Wow Tink, only 3 weeks away already!!! Time does indeed tick on. Don't get nervous about your big day (though I'm sure you will a little bit), enjoy it and have lots of fun. And of course we will want to see photos!!

  10. #10
    Senior Member blueprinciple's Avatar
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    Hi all -- I've started a new page on my site about UK barber shops (find it here) to give some exposure to them and to point people in the right direction if they're looking for one. So, if you know a good one in your area, tell them to contact me for some free advertising!

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