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11-04-2008, 12:44 AM #1
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
I just wanted to let you guys know that I have not forgotten you! I have been very busy with my new art & design course. The little time that I have had on line has been devoted to research. I have managed to devote much of my output to my favourite pastime, however. I have attached an example here, as well as changing my avatar to my own efforts, although the digitisation & reduction have not done the quality any favours at all. If you are at all interested, I have posted a new album on my profile.
Love the new smilies btw
Last edited by Spike J; 11-04-2008 at 12:47 AM.
11-05-2008, 11:01 AM #2
We all need a wee break now and then. Hope all is going well for yourselves. I have my thesis final draft feedback in and need to deliver the goods once and for all in the next two weeks or
(just had to use that one) Have sorted out my collection and am in the process of getting photos etc. taken to put up about 15 razors for sale. I am cutting down to my 10 favourite razors. keep your eyes out for some crackers at the end of the month.
Take care and good luck with the arty stuff - all the best to Silver
11-05-2008, 02:56 PM #3
Hey Spike! Good to hear from you. You must be enjoying the course if it's taking you away from SRP. And there I was thinking your absence was just because of a few extra rounds of golf.
11-06-2008, 09:17 AM #4
As much as I would like to complain about Spike's new course taking over around here ("darling would you like to snuggle up and watch something?" "Sorry no I have homework!") he is doing very well indeed. There were a few technical hitches which put him behind on one module which has now almost been caught up on.
Spike has produced some amazing work and I am very proud of him. Sorry guys, it looks like you will have to put up with me flying the flag for the Jones.