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Thread: Boutique Shaves

  1. #1
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    Default Boutique Shaves

    Ok this is a general gripe/question. Why do places like AOS or T&H charge 40-50+ dollars for a shave? Granted i haven't had one from those places (don't have the money) but i have had a few shaves in the past 6 months all for 10-15 bucks a piece by different barbers, with only one really bad experience. the shaves included warm lather (one from a brush, the other from lather machines), hot towels, and a good-great shave. Most of them used Shavettes but one had areally nice puma that he rescaled himself (even did his own custom inlay of the logo). That one was the same that used the brush and he gave me the best shave i've had! I walked out of the barber shop feeling like a new man! All for 20 bucks (shave and hair cut)!

    Anyway...why charge 40-50+ for just a shave? Are they that good?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth jnich67's Avatar
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    It's the atmosphere they charge for. You have fancy wood paneling and other luxuries surrounding you. They are usually located in high rent districts/buildings. They also charge that much because they can. There are men who go to "salons" to get their hair cut and pay three times what a barber would charge for the same or lesser quality. A lot of men think it makes them "sophisticated" to do such things, or they just don't know any better.


  3. #3
    mmmm...Beer roughneck's Avatar
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    I hear you. I get a good haircut and shave from my barber for 24 bucks. He uses a lather machine and a shavette but I always leave satisfied. I could not imagine paying $50 for a shave.

  4. #4
    Holt County Irish sdsquarepoint's Avatar
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    It is the experience. On my last trip to Las Vegas I didn't gamble but rather spent the money on several good cigars, a steak at the "Golden Steer" (Rat Pack and Tony Splatro hangout, and a great shave at Trufitt and Hill at Caesars. Noe Hernandez is a great Barber and conversatioinalist. MikeB

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    They charge it because they can and peple are willing to pay that much. Its as simple as that.

    I'm surprised the barber used a real straight on you. In most places its against health codes unless they autoclave it and even then in many places they can't use it. If they puma had custom scales they probably weren't stainless. I would be concerned.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    They charge it because they can and peple are willing to pay that much. Its as simple as that.

    I'm surprised the barber used a real straight on you. In most places its against health codes unless they autoclave it and even then in many places they can't use it. If they puma had custom scales they probably weren't stainless. I would be concerned.
    This barber didn't advertise straight shaves. He doesn't do them regularly because "its not cost effective, he can do 3 hair cuts in the time it takes to do one shave." Only way i got one was a friend of a friend arrangement.

    why be concerned? i walked out without a scratch

  7. #7
    Shaves like a pirate jockeys's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Detach View Post
    why be concerned? i walked out without a scratch
    1. it's illegal, at least in most places
    2. even if you don't see blood, odds are there are very small breaks in your skin, and disease can be transmitted this way

  8. #8
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    yes I wasn't referring to the skills of the barber when I said I'd be concerned. I was referring to the danger of disease transmission.
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    Quote Originally Posted by jockeys View Post
    1. it's illegal, at least in most places
    2. even if you don't see blood, odds are there are very small breaks in your skin, and disease can be transmitted this way
    What an appropriate avatar for such a statment...


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