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  1. #1
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Default Pre Shave Exercise Revisited

    Look what I found from bygone days. -> Pre-Shave Exercise

    The imagination is a powerful thing and I encourage it's constructive use whenever possible. In the ancient Haida poem Raven Travelling as recounted by Skaay, Raven is flying through the world when he comes against clouds which are like a wall. Raven's solution? "He pushed his mind through and pulled his body after".

    BJ mentioned brushing your teeth with your off hand to get used to using a straight razor in that hand and it reminded me of that thread I had started over three years ago. The picture below is one way that I pushed my mind through. I repositioned the knife and chopstick various different ways in both hands and pretended to shave with them. It really helped me be ready for that first shave and it may be responsible in some part for how comfortable I was in my first shave. I intended to stop at the sides and cheeks as many do, but I could 'see' through the whole shave and so pulled my body through the entire shave.

    I support all such journey's through the realms of imagination which will help us pull our bodies safely and effectively through the shave. Does anybody have any other ideas?

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    Last edited by xman; 11-09-2008 at 08:04 PM.

  2. #2
    comfortably shaving chee16's Avatar
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    great story (i'm sure it wasn't the whole story) and a great lesson. when i visited BC the a couple summers ago i really liked a lot of the Haida stories i read and my sister actually got married on top of Mount Maxwell (salt spring island) by a traditional minister and a Haida story teller (sorry if that is not the official position but she was who married them, i feel bad for forgetting) and she was amazing, great traditional stories and she and her husband came to the reception and were great people. i am Metis (french and Ojibwe) but really enjoy the stories of all native communities. plus that one really does work as far as i'm concerned.

    i have a couple razors i had to bread knife (they are nothing special but good for practice honing) and this gives me the idea to keep one dull and do practice runs after i shave with it but use my left hand. still lather and everything but use the dull blade. i always like being able to do things with both hands, good mental challenge so this should work. thanks. good post.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'm really disappointed X. I though you would link us to some old video of Jack La Laine from the 1950s with the funny organ music jumping up and down and doing funny contortionist exercises with our faces.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #4
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I'm really disappointed X. I though you would link us to some old video of Jack La Laine from the 1950s with the funny organ music jumping up and down and doing funny contortionist exercises with our faces.
    I'll try to do better next time.

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