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  1. #1
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    [rant] I...dislike...the Classifieds section.

    Here's the story: I was probably going to buy an item listed, after I asked the seller a few questions. Nobody had purchased it yet, according to the Price column, and I'm pretty sure I was the first to message the seller, indicating I was interested in purchase, once I had some questions answered.

    Well, somebody must have clicked the "Buy it Now" button before the seller got to my message, so I got scooped on the sale.

    The old B/S/T didn't seem to have this problem, and feedback and comments between buyers and sellers were more friendly and in keeping with the feel of these forums.

    This is a systemic issue I hadn't realized, and it's a real bummer.

    Sigh, I guess I'm better off without that particular item, but it still leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
    Last edited by joke1176; 11-21-2008 at 12:47 PM.

  2. #2
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    This happened in the BST also with members selling to the second person who responded because they were ready to buy immediately at the listed price, although it is easier to do in the Classifieds I guess because of the automatic buy it now feature.
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    joke1176 (11-23-2008)

  4. #3
    Senior Member nickyspaghetti's Avatar
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    To be honest I'm not as keen on it either. I haven't really used it but before I regularly used to browse B/S/T and now I never bother. It doesn't feel the same to me.

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    joke1176 (11-23-2008)

  6. #4
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    The previous process was that the first to send a PM or e mail would have first shout on the item. The messages being stamped with the time sent. This would allow the seller time to answer questions etc., without having to worry to much about loosing a sale

    I buy and sell on this forum and I like the gentlemanly nature of the transactions. I think you should be able to ask a question and not put under pressure to rush into a purchase. I also think you should be able to make an offer, but accept that you may be refused.

    This said, there are time wasters and dealers out there and the buy it now button certainly concentrates the mind. If the price is right, items do go very quickly. Basically because it is not easy to find fairly priced razors that have come from people who understand them.

    As a seller, it wouldn't worry me if the buy it now facility was not there. But as the forum gets bigger and as the interest in razors increases, I suppose it is inevitable that the classifieds section becomes more commercial and that prices rise.

    As a buyer, I really can not get over exercised either way, because usually, if I miss an item, another one comes along.

    But I can totally sympathise and understand your frustration. Nothing ever stays the way we would all like it to be. This forum is changing whether we like it or not because of its success. Ironic really.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to English For This Useful Post:

    joke1176 (11-23-2008)

  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joke1176 View Post
    Sigh, I guess I'm better off without that particular item, but it still leaves a sour taste in my mouth.
    I have that feeling a lot More often then not when I am outbid on ebay I am relieved more then disappointed. As far as the classifieds I would be happy if they went back to the old BST format but I am learning to live with the new format. They have improved the photos with the supersize display and while the buy it now feature can lose an item for you it also makes life easier for both parties if the buyer is sure they want it.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

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    joke1176 (11-23-2008)

  10. #6
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    That's true, that's true. Still, I will miss the one that got away...

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