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  1. #1
    Senior Member woork's Avatar
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    Default Barbershop,new stuff and technique..

    Hi all!

    Did'nt really know where to post this,mods feel free to move the thread..

    I went to the local barber today to get some shaving soap and chat a little.
    He had some Tabac shaving soap,it was kind of expensive so I did'nt buy it,have anyone tried it?Worth buying?

    I did buy some German shaving soap and Palmolive shaving cream.
    The barber use a shavette type of razor when he shaves customers but some customers have their own razors at the barbershop and there was some stops hanging around. I asked the old barber if he was willing to part from any of his own vintage strops. He gave me a strop and said that I could borrow it for a while and try it out,and then if I wanted it I could stop by with some money or a bottle of vodka or something...

    The strop has a leather side and a canvas side.It is a Roma No. 81,it has what apears to be some russian letters on the logo so it is probably a old russian strop.

    Pic1:The strop, it is in nice shape,a couple of small nicks but nothing major.

    Pic2:German shaving soap stick,do you smear the soap on the face and then use the brush directly on the face?

    Pic3:Palmolive shaving cream.

    I also have a question on shaving technique,I have a trouble spot on my neck,it goes from my ear down to my adams apple.

    Pic4:Problem area.The arrows is the WTG direction.

    I would like to go ATG on the problem area,but it's kind of tricky.Anyone has some tips on how to get that spot?
    I'll try the slicing motion that Jockeys demonstrates in his shaving vid tonight,see how it goes..

    Thanks for a great forum!
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    Last edited by woork; 11-21-2008 at 02:18 PM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    The Tabac is great stuff IMHO. The other stuff is probably good if you like it. I have never used a shaving stick but from what I have read you are using it correctly. As for your last photo, that is my most difficult area to get a close shave. It took me awhile to develop some skill with the handling of the razor to begin to get it. I do the usual up down then up passes in the area but then I have to put another dab of lather on and come at it from the top down on about a 60 degree angle using short gentle strokes. I also pull the skin from the side with my stretching hand to try to flatten the area.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  3. #3
    Cheapskate Honer Wildtim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woork View Post
    Pic2:German shaving soap stick,do you smear the soap on the face and then use the brush directly on the face?
    Thats pretty much it, wet your face, smear liberally, lather with a damp brush.

    Quote Originally Posted by woork View Post
    I also have a question on shaving technique,I have a trouble spot on my neck,it goes from my ear down to my adams apple.

    Pic4:Problem area.The arrows is the WTG direction.

    I would like to go ATG on the problem area,but it's kind of tricky.Anyone has some tips on how to get that spot?
    I'll try the slicing motion that Jockeys demonstrates in his shaving vid tonight,see how it goes..
    When I do the neck I go down first then up usually cleans it off pretty well (my hair is kind of all direction) but if I want perfectly smooth I usually add a third pass kind of down and across pretty much perpendicular to the line made by your problem area, this pass gets that last little bit I can't get any easier way.

    Learning the "scything" stroke will improve your shave.

  4. #4
    Senior Member woork's Avatar
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    Thanks for the answers guys!

    I tried the slicing/scything stroke and got most of the problem area,got a little razorburn today but I'll keep it up and try to improve my technique!


  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Hi Woork!

    I've had a few Roma strops. Mine had a sort of roman lantern embossed in gold on them. One has the original wrapper saying "British made by British Workmen" - I'd guess it was 1950s or earlier.


  6. The Following User Says Thank You to Neil Miller For This Useful Post:

    woork (11-22-2008)

  7. #6
    Senior Member woork's Avatar
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    @Neil: Ok,mine also has som kind of lamp in the logo,"genie lamp"..=)
    Might say "British mark" on my stop,some of the letters appear to have dissapeared,looks just like russian letters..

  8. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    That's it - a sort of Aladdin genie lamp! This is a pic of the label of one of the Roma strops I had:

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to Neil Miller For This Useful Post:

    woork (11-24-2008)

  10. #8
    Kurdilicious Rawaz's Avatar
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    Nämen vad är du för en filur..Får man fråga vad det var för barberare du var hos?

  11. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woork View Post
    Thanks for the answers guys!

    I tried the slicing/scything stroke and got most of the problem area,got a little razorburn today but I'll keep it up and try to improve my technique!

    Slicing movement increases risk of cutting yourself!
    Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose. Jean-Baptiste Alphonse Karr.

  12. #10
    Senior Member woork's Avatar
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    @Neil: Exactly the same!

    @Rawaz: Student från Linköping..=) Dennis barbershop i Linköping,otroligt trevlig gubbe=)
    Välkommen till Dennis Barbershop

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