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  1. #1
    Member stolenmirth's Avatar
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    Default Need an opinion...

    So a while ago I bought a Red Imp on ebay that the seller described as looking "unused". In the pictures everything looked great and I was pretty happy because I got it at a decent price. It arrived today and I noticed right away that 2 of the pins (center and wedge) each have one of their collars missing. They're not falling out but I can move them in and out a little with my fingernail, and I noticed that the wedge is not completely closed. Everything else is fine, the blade looks excellent and the scales themselves are in great shape. So what do you you guys think I should do? I was thinking about asking for a partial refund, but I'm not sure how much to ask for. I think I paid $62 before shipping. What would you do in this situation? Man, it seems like ebay's been nothing but drama for me lately.

    *edit* I'll add that I have neither the means, nor the knowhow to fix the pins myself.
    Last edited by stolenmirth; 12-01-2008 at 09:43 PM. Reason: addition

  2. #2
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    So do you think it was used? I'd say the use issue is going to be mainly judged by the look of the blade. It's possible that is was re-pinned or had it's scales swapped badly, though I've no idea why that would be done with an unused razor.

    Obviously it is unusable in it's current state and you can probably make the case that a razor described as unused should be considered to usable. I would inform the seller of the problem and see if they offer any correction. If you have to mail it to someone to have them fix it, then you have two directions of shipping charge and at least $5-$10 to have someone fix it. I'd ask them to take at least $15 off or threaten to return it. Or, just let it go and fix it yourself.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    To describe a razor as looking unused means nothing. It could be in terrible shape. Usually the red imps have themed scales so if they were changed the changer would have had to have located another set in good condition and then do a poor job attaching them. It sounds fishy to me.

    I would try and get a partial refund or have the seller repair it otherwise you have the choice of repairing it yourself or getting another set of scales and installing them. Of course you could just send it back and get your money back.
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  4. #4
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    If I were in yer snowshoes there in the great white north eh , I would PM floppyshoes/Dan (in Canada) and get an estimate for him to fix the pins then ask for that amount plus total shipping and see what happens...

    That is more than fair IMHO

  5. #5
    Member stolenmirth's Avatar
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    I'm not in love with the idea of sending it back because I had to pay an extra $15 in duty when it was delivered, and I won't see that again. Here are a few pics of the problem areas:

    *edit* Thanks Glen, that's a good idea. Maybe I'll shoot him a PM.
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  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    From the condition of the scales, they look really in good shape from what I can see, I would guess that the razor was squeezed... perhaps in a very bad attempt to tighten the scales by using a vise, and they popped the washers loose... Just a WAG mind ya

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