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12-03-2008, 05:24 PM #1
What, if anything, do you like to listen to while shaving?
Let me start off by explaining that I'm almost always listening to music. Music is a huge part of my life. I've loved it with a passion before I was old enough to walk and I've been playing instruments since my hands were big enough to hold them. I don't care what it is, if it's creative and different, and serious thought and passion were put into its creation, I'll happily listen to it (which is why I have no patience for the top 40 pop/hip-hop pablum that record companies try to spoon-feed to the masses). But before I start ranting about the complete lack of thought and originality in popular music
I'll get on with my post. At this point, I've successfully managed to integrate music into almost every facet of my daily existence. Which means, yes, I have a stereo in the bathroom. In my opinion, no good shave is complete without a soundtrack. I can't imagine fully enjoying a de-whiskering without some great music, be it mellow or maniacal, helping my razor along in its task. I just need to remember; now that I'm using a straight razor, dancing around in the bathroom just got a little more dangerous. This morning's playlist heavily featured songs by Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds, Turbonegro, and a crazy little band called Gogol Bordello, a New York "gypsy punk" band composed mostly of Eastern European immigrants. Good stuff.
To give you an idea, here's a vid of one of my favorite Gogol bordello songs. At about 34 seconds in it'll kick you in the face (in a good way)
YouTube - Gogol Bordello: Wonderlust King
So what about you folks? Do you like to listen to music while shaving, or do you prefer to let the razor do the singing?
I think I'll post this over at B&B as well, to see what the DE guys have to say.
12-03-2008, 05:26 PM
The sound of the whiskers being cut by my razors, my friend; that's my preference.
Chris L
"Blues fallin' down like hail." Robert Johnson
"Aw, Pretty Boy, can't you show me nuthin but surrender?" Patti Smith
12-03-2008, 05:33 PM
Most of the time I don't play music because the kids are sleeping. When I do play music for the shave, it's 100% of the time jazz. Most frequently Sonny Rollins for some odd reason. It just seems to fit what I am doing better than some others.
12-03-2008, 05:41 PM
agree with Chris, just the sound of whiskers giving up the ghost! BTW isnt that the guy who starred with elijah wood in the movie "everything illuminated' loved that flick and my youngest daughter absolutely loves his music!
It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain
12-03-2008, 05:45 PM
12-03-2008, 06:00 PM
i haven't done it yet as i don't have an extra stereo but when and if i do it will definitely be Stevie Ray Vaughn. he is the one i fall back to over and over and is my guitar idol. Jimi Hendrix may be in there too but SRV Riviera Paradise or Lenny or my all-time favourite (and i know it is originally a Hendix tune) is Little Wing. they would all be great to shave to, but i can listen to them anytime of the day so maybe i am a weirdo. i think i will try it out though. i must have an old radio somewhere i can use.
12-03-2008, 06:06 PM
I usually listen to the razor muffled by the sound of the bathroom fan - on the odd occasion that I do get to play music, it's mostly classic rock like Zeppelin, the Beatles, Simon & Garfunkel, etc...
12-03-2008, 06:07 PM
12-03-2008, 06:30 PM
12-03-2008, 06:44 PM
Any music that is sufficiently metal. The louder the better. Yesterday it was Between the Buried and Me, today it was Mozart's Requiem. Day before it was Dimmu Borgir, and before that Shostakovich's 7th symphony. You get the idea.