I'm really just a newbie to the whole straight razor thing, but I've been finding myself connecting more and more with the past than the present or future (for certain things).

Firstly, I think society in general has lost an appreciation for art, and for me, shaving with a straight really is very artisan in nature - much like the Japanese tea ceremonies. Something that requires focus, attention and patience - far too much in this world these days is about instant gratification. There is also a sense of accomplishment when shaving with a straight, versus how I used to feel about shaving prior - as though it was a nuisance. We've gotten far too reliant on aids and are losing focus on skills (think of how many sensors and anti-whatever are now in your cars, versus even as far back as only 15 years ago!), it's making us all lazier than we need to be.

Second, when (if) I have a son, I'd like to be able to teach him this same art, while teaching him patience, focus and the importance of paying attention. I'd also like to be able to pass something down to him that he can then pass along to his children, etc. Family history maintained in not only an heirloom, but in the art of using the heirloom.