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Thread: WWW

  1. #1
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    Default WWW

    Where in the world is Whiggamore?

  2. #2
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    i heard that he has been deported form paradise and has returned to the arctic hell that spawned him.

    welcome back!
    Be just and fear not.

  3. #3
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    The evidence and the hint are my guide . . . he's on the internet.

  4. #4
    Senior Member wescap34's Avatar
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    Institutionilized perhaps?

    Good to hear from you Matthew.

  5. #5
    JMS is offline
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    Is this like "wheres Waldo"? are you wearing a red and white striped shirt Whig?

    Its good to see you after all this time!

  6. #6
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    My guess would have been that the Honeymoon is over and she hasn't allowed you back on the computer until now

  7. #7
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    I have a new job and it has kept me busy. My other plans, plans I often shared in chat with many of you, are still in the works though. And Glen, I have a 30 lb. burl of Honduran Rosewood at my home in Belize, waiting to be milled into 1/8" thick board and sent to you when you won that bizarre little contest I held in chat ages ago. Could you make a pump action shotgun stock out of that material, if I found a burl long enough? That'd be a really swell piece of art, wouldn't it?

    I grew my beard for about a month and tried the cutthroat for the first time. I need some help though.

    The preparation was flawless, in my humble opinion. I took a hot shower and mixed up some hot über-lather à la Glen. The first draw of the razor across my face chattered or skipped across my face. Although it took a few whiskers off, I could not keep it to my face consistently enough to end them all. What am I doing wrong?

    I'll warn you: this razor was apparently honed by Lynn. That was about 6 months ago though. I did not use a strop though and I believe that was probably the issue. The razor felt raw, if you will, against my skin.

    Also, the razor has what looks like little lichen-like, rust-like marks here and there. This is a Thiers-Issard Pierre Thiers Limited Edition razor complete with the supposed forge mark texturing along the side of the spine. The same one I often brag about. The marks are in that texture and also at completely random points on the tang and tail. What has me really confused is that they're not entirely orange, more of a black. I've no idea what they are but I'd like somebody to tell me what to do about them. The razor has been from Canada to Belize and back to Canada, going through quite the change in temperature and humidity... and maybe my coat of mineral oil wasn't enough. I'd give you pictures but I have no camera.

    If somebody, like Glen wouldn't mind, I'd send it your way for a bit of TLC and refresher before I start to use it regularly. Truth is I oiled it, wrapped it, and put it away in the box it came in for a good while in Belize because I didn't feel comfortable using it without hot water, a strop, etc.

    Finally, do you take the little sticker off the scales on a Thiers-Issard or leave it on? Or would that be corne. Oh Whiggamore, you tease.

  8. #8
    Qui tacet consentit bpave777's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whiggamore View Post

    Finally, do you take the little sticker off the scales on a Thiers-Issard or leave it on? Or would that be corne. Oh Whiggamore, you tease.
    Good to see ya posting again Wigga.

    I left the sticker on mine. I thought it would fall off on its own. My only concern with leaving it on is that it will leave a mark as the horn wears and fades.

    That said, I love seeing pictures of vintage Puma's with the stickers still on the scales.

  9. #9
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Well Whigg, it just sounds like you are rubbish with a straight to me! if it is chittering across your face there is only yourself to blame!

    Seriously, a good stropping would not hurt, especially since it has been sitting around for 6 months in that humid Berlizian climate.

    Good to see you back mate!!

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  10. #10
    The Razor Whisperer Philadelph's Avatar
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    You were gone?

    The spots on your blade might just be water marks in which case you could first trY a pencil eraser to remove them and if that doesn't work, some metal polish and a clean cloth. Don't go near any gold etching with that stuff though.

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