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  1. #1
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    Default Peening the pin.

    So I cut the pin and tried to peen it to make a tight fit. Ok for one I cut it too long by just a smidge. But when I lightly tap the pin nothing happens, when I gave a little more force I got a bent pin. I started on the end of the scales at the wedge.

    So what is the secret to getting a nice mushroom end of the pin so I can finish this razor and send it out to be honed.

  2. #2
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    millions of very light taps around the edge of the pin... what are you using for pinning material?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del1r1um View Post
    millions of very light taps around the edge of the pin... what are you using for pinning material?
    I'm using pins I picked up at Now for a question that might call into question my manhood. Should I use the ball end or the flat end of the small ball peen hammer I have?

    thanks for you reply

  4. #4
    Junior Member TomPike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joscobo View Post
    I'm using pins I picked up at Now for a question that might call into question my manhood. Should I use the ball end or the flat end of the small ball peen hammer I have?

    thanks for you reply
    Okay, I'll put my sanity on the line and say the round end is the end with which to peen...

    More knowledgeable folk, please correct me if I'm wrong.


  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by TomPike View Post
    Okay, I'll put my sanity on the line and say the round end is the end with which to peen...

    More knowledgeable folk, please correct me if I'm wrong.

    Yeah, my father God rest his soul, is rolling his eyes and slapping his head in heaven. He was a body repairman and I grew up in his shop around many different ball peen hammers. So only now I'm thinking about the "peen" in ball peen.

    Wow, I don't think I can show my face around here again.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Big Red's Avatar
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    Um, I'm gonna bet not the peen side. the peen side is for peening, as in relieving stress in the metal. for instance, I'f I'm goign to weld cast iron I'll hit it with a torch first and peen it, relieve some stress in the metal.

    but I might be wrong.


  7. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    In the Wiki you can find two very helpful posts...
    An illustrated guide to pinning and unpinning razors that I did, step by careful step, and a video that Alex took the time to make on this subject...

    Use the ball end of the hammer...

    Read the guide, watch the video, and trust me things will make sense....
    BTW you should practice at least one time on scrap wood before trying a razor....

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  9. #8
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    Once you've done a few, you'll get a better feel for how much pin you need in order to peen it over. Use the ball end with lots & lots of taps, working round the pin. Glen & Alex's info is how i learned. If the scales will get damaged by the hammer, you can protect them with a thin piece of metal with a hole to let the pin through. Make sure the hole is plenty big enough or you'll end up with a giant washer stuck there!

  10. #9
    Senior Member 2Sharp's Avatar
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    Every time I try to peen a pin I get a bent one. I am either too aggressive or have too big a hammer or both. I solved my problem by going to the Nuts & Bolts from Microfasteners. No problem getting them tight enough.

    Don't go to the light. bj

  11. #10
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    Some things I've learnt about peening.

    Always make sure the end not being peened is resting on a flat solid metal base. e.g. the flat on another hammer.

    Silver is harder to peen than copper/brass/nickel combinations.

    After you cut the pin, always flatten the top with a file.

    When its all pressed down, about 0.5mm of pin is all that is necessary to be peened. You just need to file it.

    Finally, when you really get annoyed and whack it just that bit harder, you will split a wooden scale and it is very very annoying. I know because I did on Sunday.

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to English For This Useful Post:

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