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Thread: Converts

  1. #1
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Default Converts

    Any of you guys had a friend that started off by saying you were nuts for shaving with a straight razor and you'll cut your throat etc, only to have them join in the fun and convert to using a straight razor??

    Got to be some great stories out there about the people you have turned on to shaving with a straight razor..........................

    Love to hear them.



  2. #2
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    So far I haven't sucessfully converted anyone, although I'm working on my barber. I got him to switch from a cartridge razor to a Gillette Fat Boy loaded with a Feather. He's tried a few tentative strokes with a straight but isn't ready to make the jump..yet. He did ask me how many straights I have (which isn't many, compared to some I could name). I told him, and his response was "That's a little excessive, isn't it?

  3. #3
    Senior Member dwessell's Avatar
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    My brother is searching for his first razor now.. I'm almost hoping he does cut something :

  4. #4
    I still have my face! jakoblah's Avatar
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    Default I've got one so far.

    A buddy of mine saw all my Twitter & Facebook updates in the past couple weeks about collecting razors and learning to shave with them and asked me for some info.

    Then he read my blog post and was sold on the whole thing.

    I told him he could either wait for me to learn how to restore the things or just get one from the classifieds here. He went with option #2!

    I can't wait to hear how he does with it. Hopefully he'll join us on SRP.

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  6. #5
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Lets see I am doing pretty good as a SR missionary

    We have my neighbor and SRP member Cat28
    My Brother in Law and SRP member Colorado
    Our lot guy at the dealership
    My wife's boss starts tomorrow if I get his first straight razor honed tonight..
    Our title clerk's husband started with that Tulipwood Boker I made him for Christmas...

    A few more have tried but it didn't stick with them YET !!!!!

  7. #6
    Comfortably Numb Del1r1um's Avatar
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    Funny thing...

    My wife has been telling me I was crazy for all of this straight razor business for a while.

    Recently, I have been showing off my BBS cheeks to her and forcing her to give them a feel....
    Last week she says "hey, if you see a lady's razor that doesn't cost too much get it for me"

    At least that is what I think my face looked like. so now, I am in the process of setting her up with a razor (for her legs that is... just anticipating any confusion)

  8. #7
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    Sort of the other way around for me. One of my best friends was shaving with a straight back in the mid 90's, and I kept laughing at him and telling him he was crazy. Eventually he stopped and went back to his M3, and a few years later I picked it up and then got him re-interested in it. Turns out the reason he'd stopped was that he could never get it sharp enough on his Tormek and got tired of the pulling. A few lessons and a coticule later and he was back on track.

  9. #8
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    A friend (female) was ready to have me committed, but has finally decided she like my shave. None of my guy friends is even interested in trying.

  10. #9
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    Not any guy friends ... actually most of my guy friends could shave with a de without a blade and you wouldnt notice but me i have had a course beard since i was 15...(I am only 25 now)

    but the past 6 months i have been using a de and shavette and now my lovely new bride finally got her own de and shave brush...

  11. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Plenty of people have told me I was nuts for shaving with a straight however I haven't converted anyone. Most are just too scared.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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